Ministerial Regulation
No. 6 (B.E. 2514)
Issued Under the Mineral Royalty Rates Act B.E. 2509
By virtue of section 7, section 8, and section 9 of the Mineral Royalty Rates Act
B.E. 2509, the Minister of Industry has issued the Ministerial Regulation as follows:
Section 1 The Ministerial Regulation No. 1 (B.E. 2509) issued under the
Mineral Royalty Rates Act B.E. 2509 shall be repealed.
Section 2 Determination of the mineral market price shall be prescribed as
(1) Tin 1
a. The price of tin metal in the ore shall be posted at the price per sixty
kilograms, based on the market price in the following order:
1. The latest market price in the Federation of Malaysia where the
transactions have been made consecutively for no less than
twenty working days.
2. In the case that the market price in the Federation of Malaysia
is posted in accordance with 1., if no transaction has been made
for more than three consecutive working days in the Federation
of Malaysia, the market price shall be based on the market
price at that time in London, England, where the transactions
are made. However, the cost of transportation and insurance
from the port in London to the port in Bangkok shall be
deducted at the rates prescribed by the Director-General.
3. In the case that the market price in the Federation of Malaysia
or in London, England, is unable to be based on according to 1.
or 2., the market price shall be based on the market price at that
time in New York City, the United States of America, where
the transactions are made. However, the cost of transportation
and insurance from the port in New York City to the port in
Bangkok shall be deducted at the rates prescribed by the
4. In the case that no transaction is made at that time in the
Federation of Malaysia, in London, England, and in New York
City, the United States of America, the market price shall be
based on the price in Thailand, where the transactions are
made, at the rate prescribed by the Director-General.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in the market price over or under
those latest posted in excess of fifty baht per sixty kilograms, it shall be reposted.
(2) Minerals containing Tungstic Oxide 2
a. The price of minerals containing tungstic oxide shall be posted,
based on the latest market price of the minerals with seventy percent of tungstic oxide per picul3, being traded in New York
City, the United States of America. However, the cost of
transportation and insurance from the port in New York City to the
port in Bangkok shall be deducted at the rates prescribed by the
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in the market price over or under
those latest posted in excess of twenty-five baht per picul, it shall
be re-posted.
(3) Gold 4
a. The price of gold shall be posted at the price per gram of pure gold
based on the latest market price in London, England, where the
transactions are made.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in the market price over or under
those latest posted in excess of one baht per gram of pure gold, it
shall be re-posted.
c. (repealed by the Ministerial Regulation No. 19, B.E. 2522)
(3 bis.) Silver 5
a. The price of silver shall be posted at the price per gram of pure
silver based on the latest market price of silver metal in London,
England, where the transactions are made.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in the market price over or under
those latest posted in excess of one baht per gram of pure silver, it
shall be re-posted.
(3 ter.) Compound of Tantalite and Columbite 6
a. The price of tantalite and columbite compound shall be posted at
the price per metric ton based on the latest market price of tantalite
containing thirty percent of tantalum pentoxide in London,
England, where the transactions are made.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in market price over or under those
latest posted in excess of four hundred baht per metric ton, it shall
be re-posted.
(3 quarter.) Slag containing Columbium Pentoxide or Tantalum
Pentoxide or combination of both 7
a. The price of slag containing columbium pentoxide or tantalum
pentoxide or combination of both shall be posted at the price per
metric ton based on the latest average market price of tantalite
containing thirty percent of tantalum pentoxide in London,
England, where the transactions are made. However, the cost of smelting shall be deducted at the rates prescribed by the Director-
General, based on the percentage of tantalum pentoxide according
to the regulations as follows:
1. For slag containing tantalum pentoxide no more than five
percent, the rate shall be calculated at five percent.
2. For slag containing tantalum pentoxide more than five
percent, but no more than eight percent, the rate shall be
calculated at eight percent.
3. For slag containing tantalum pentoxide more than eight
percent, the rate shall be calculated at thirteen percent.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in market price over or under those
latest posted in excess of four hundred baht per metric ton, it shall
be re-posted.
(3 quinque.) Lead or Zinc 8
a. The price of lead or zinc shall be posted at the price per metric ton
based on the latest market price of lead or zinc metal in London,
England, where the transactions are made. However, the cost of
transportation and insurance from the port in London to the port in
Bangkok shall be deducted at the rates prescribed by the Director-
General, depending on the type of such mineral.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in market price over or under those
latest posted in excess of fifty baht per metric ton, it shall be reposted.
(3 sex.) Cadmium Metal 9
a. The price of cadmium metal shall be posted at the price per metric
ton based on the monthly average market price of cadmium metal
containing cadmium no less than ninety-nine point nine five
percent in London, England, where the transactions are made.
However the cost of transportation and insurance from the port in
London to the port in Bangkok shall be deducted at the rates
prescribed by the Director-General.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in market price over or under those
latest posted in excess of four hundred baht per metric ton, it shall
be re-posted.
(3 septem.) Marble and Decorative Granite 10
a. The price of marble and decorative granite shall be posted at the
price per cubic meter, based on the average price of total value of
marble or decorative granite, as the case may be, calculated by
using the steps and methods prescribed by the Director of Primary
Industries and Mines.
b. In every period of a calendar year, the price of marble and
decorative granite shall be re-posted.
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[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
1 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 34 (B.E. 2529).
2 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 32 (B.E. 2528).
3 1 picul = 60 kilograms.
4 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 46 (B.E. 2536).
5 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 39 (B.E. 2530).
6 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 22 (B.E. 2523).
7 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No. 24 (B.E. 2523).
8 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 39 (B.E. 2530).
9 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No. 51 (B.E. 2538).
10 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No. 51 (B.E. 2538). |