(3 sext.) Cadmium Metal 14
a. The price of cadmium metal shall be posted at the price per metric
ton based on the monthly average market price of cadmium metal,
containing cadmium no less than ninety-nine point nine five
percent, in London, England, where the transactions are made.
However the cost of transportation and insurance from the port in
London to the port in Bangkok shall be deducted at the rates
prescribed by the Director-General.
b. Whenever there is a fluctuation in market price over or under that
latest posted in excess of four hundred baht per metric ton, it shall
be re-posted.
(3 septem.) Marble and Dimensional Granite 15
a. The price of marble and dimensional/decorative granite shall be
posted at the price per cubic meter, based on the average value of
total reserves of marble or dimensional granite, as the case may
be, calculated by using the steps and methods prescribed by the
Director of Primary Industries and Mines.
b. In every period of a calendar year, the price of marble and
dimensional granite shall be re-posted.
(4) Other Kinds of Minerals
a. The price of minerals other than those under (1), (2), and (3) and
minerals otherwise prescribed by Ministerial Regulations shall be
posted at the price per metric ton, depending upon the type and
nature of such minerals, based on the latest average price in
Bangkok, where the transactions are made.
b. In case of mineral production for domestic industries, inventions,
or energy other than metallurgical works, the price shall be posted
based on the domestic average buying prices of the consumers
depending upon the type and nature of such minerals.
c. Whenever the latest posted price of any kinds and forms of
mineral, being less than one thousand baht per metric ton,
fluctuates over or under the posted price in excess of thirty baht
per metric ton, it shall be re-posted.
d. Whenever the latest posted price of any kinds and forms of
mineral, being between one thousand baht and ten thousand baht
per metric ton, fluctuates over or under the posted price in excess
of fifty baht per metric ton, it shall be re-posted.
e. Whenever the latest posted price of any kinds and forms of
mineral, being more than ten thousand baht per metric ton,
fluctuates over or under the posted price in excess of four hundred
baht per metric ton, it shall be re-posted.
Section 3 Determination of the rates for currency exchange in order to
calculate the mineral market prices shall be prescribed as follows:16
(1) In case that the par value of the baht is prescribed, it shall be applied as
the set value in calculating the rate for currency exchange. A fraction of
one satang shall be discarded.
(2) In case that the par value of the baht is not prescribed, the average of the
current buying and selling rates of such foreign currency posted daily by
the Exchange Equalization Fund shall be applied in calculating the rate
for currency exchange.
Section 4 Procedures for the control of payment of mineral royalties shall be
prescribed as follows: 17
(1) Payment of Royalties on Tin shall be collected according to its actual
metal content based on the result of analysis carried out by the
Department of Primary Industries and Mines or a tin smelting plant, or an
institute approved by the Department of Primary Industries and Mines.
In case tin analysis has not yet been carried out, the principle to be
based on shall be such that tin content is seventy-two percent except
where a certificate is issued by the Department of Primary Industries and
Mines to the effect that tin content does not exceed fifty percent or not
exceed thirty-five percent, in such case it shall first be assumed that the
tin content is fifty percent or thirty-five percent, as the case may be.
(2) Payment of Royalties on Tantalite and Columbite compounds shall be
collected according to the content of tantalum pentoxide compound
based on the result of analysis carried out by the Department of Primary
Industries and Mines or an institute approved by the Department of
Primary Industries and Mines.
In case that the analysis of tantalite and columbite compounds has
not yet been carried out, the principle shall be based on such that
tantalum pentoxide compound content is thirty percent, except when a
certificate is issued by the Department of Primary Industries and Mines
that tantalum pentoxide compound content does not exceed twenty
percent or not exceed ten percent, in that case it shall first be assumed
that the tantalum pentoxide compound content is twenty percent or ten
percent, as the case may be.
(3) Payment of Royalties on slag containing Columbium Pentoxide or
Tantalum Pentoxide or combination of both shall be collected at the
rates prescribed under the item 2(a) of (3 quarter.) based on the result of
analysis carried out by the Department of Primary Industries and Mines
or an institute approved by the Department of Primary Industries and
In case that the analysis of the slag containing columbium
pentoxide or tantalum pentoxide, or combination of both has not yet been
carried out, the principle shall be based on such that tantalum pentoxide
compound content is thirteen percent, except when a certificate is issued
by the Department of Primary Industries and Mines that tantalum
pentoxide compound content does not exceed eight percent or not exceed
five percent, in that case it shall first be assumed that tantalum pentoxide
compound content in the slag containing columbium pentoxide, or
tantalum pentoxide, or combination of both, is eight percent or five
percent, as the case may be.
(4) Payment of Royalties on Lead shall be collected according to its actual
lead content based on the result of analysis carried out by the Department
of Primary Industries and Mines or an institute approved by the
Department of Primary Industries and Mines.
In case that lead analysis has not been carried out, the principle
shall be based on such that lead content is eighty percent, except when a
certificate is issued by the Department of Primary Industries and Mines
that lead content does not exceed sixty-five percent or not exceed fifty
percent or not exceed thirty-five percent, in that case it shall first be
assumed that the lead content is sixty-five percent or fifty percent or
thirty-five percent, as the case may be.
(5) Payment of Royalties on Zinc shall be collected according to actual zinc
content based on the result of analysis carried out by the Department of
Primary Industries and Mines or an institute approved by the Department
of Primary Industries and Mines.
In case that zinc analysis has not yet been carried out, the principle
shall be based on such that zinc content is fifty percent, except when a
certificate is issued by the Department of Primary Industries and Mines
that zinc content does not exceed forty percent or not exceed thirty
percent, in that case it shall first be assumed that the zinc content is forty
percent or thirty percent, as the case may be.
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[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
14 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No. 51 (B.E. 2538).
15 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No. 51 (B.E. 2538).
16 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 19 (B.E. 2522).
17 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No. 22 (B.E. 2523) and added by the Ministerial
Regulation No. 36 (B.E. 2529), No. 46 (B.E. 2536), and No. 51 (B.E. 2538). |