(2) five percent of the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide per picul,
for the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide which exceeds three
thousand baht, but does not exceed four thousand baht.
(3) ten percent of the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide per picul,
for the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide which exceeds four
thousand baht, but does not exceed five thousand baht.
(4) fifteen percent of the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide per
picul, for the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide which exceeds
five thousand baht, but does not exceed six thousand baht.
(5) twenty percent of the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide per
picul, for the price of mineral containing tungstic oxide which exceeds
six thousand baht.
Section 4 Royalties on gold shall be collected at the rate of two point five
percent of the price posted by the Director-General.15
Section 5 Royalties on silver shall be collected at the rate of ten percent of the
price posted by the Director-General.
Section 6 Royalties on compound of tantalite and columbite shall be collected
at the rate of five percent of the price posted by the Director-General.16
Section 7 Royalties on slag containing columbium pentoxide or tantalum
pentoxide or combination of both shall be collected at the rate of five percent of the
price posted by the Director-General.17
Section 7 bis. Royalties on lead shall be collected at the rates posted by the
Director-General as follows:18
(1) two percent of the price of lead per metric ton, for the price of lead
which does not exceed eight thousand baht.
(2) five percent of the price of lead per metric ton, for the price of lead
which exceeds eight thousand baht, but does not exceed twelve thousand
(3) ten percent of the price of lead per metric ton, for the price of lead which
exceeds twelve thousand baht, but does not exceed twenty thousand
(4) fifteen percent of the price of lead per metric ton, for the price of lead
which exceeds twenty thousand baht.
Section 7 ter. Royalties on zinc shall be collected at the rates posted by the
Director-General as follows:19
(1) two percent of the price of zinc per metric ton, for the price of zinc
which does not exceed ten thousand baht.
(2) five percent of the price of zinc per metric ton, for the price of zinc
which exceeds ten thousand baht, but does not exceed twenty thousand
(3) ten percent of the price of zinc per metric ton, for the price of zinc which
exceeds twenty thousand baht, but does not exceed thirty thousand baht.
(4) fifteen percent of the price of zinc per metric ton, for the price of zinc
which exceeds thirty thousand baht.
Section 7 quarter. Royalties on ground barite containing barium sulfate
compound more than ninety-one percent, with the whiteness from eighty percent and
up, and the barite containing barium sulfate compound less than ninety-one percent,
with the whiteness less than eighty percent, shall be collected at the rate of two
percent of the price of such mineral posted by the Director-General.20
Section 7 quinque. Royalties on decorative rocks shall be collected at the rate
of four percent of the price posted by the Director-General.21
Section 7 sex. Royalties on industrial rocks shall be collected at the rate of four
percent of the price posted by the Director-General.22
Section 8 Royalties on other minerals shall be collected at the rates in the
percentage of the price posted by the Director-General, based on the mineral royalty
rates attached to this Ministerial Regulation.
Given on the 8th day of July, B.E. 2523
The Minister of Industry
Index Page
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
15As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No.47 (B.E. 2536).
16 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No.54 (B.E. 2540).
17 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No.52 (B.E. 2539).
18 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No.38 (B.E. 2530).
19 As amended by the Ministerial Regulation No.38 (B.E. 2530).
20 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No.40 (B.E. 2530).
21 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No.53 (B.E. 2539).
22 As added by the Ministerial Regulation No.53 (B.E.2539). |