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This translation has been submitted by Chaninat & Leeds, a full service law firm in Thailand, specializing in foreign company registration, divorce litigation, US immigration, and adoption in Thailand.

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Section 80 : Whoever destroys an order given by the competent official under Section 56 Para.2,or causes such order to be blurred with the intention of not letting the owner of the conveyance ,or the person in change of conveyance, or the person issuing the ticket, document or evidence to receive said order of the competent official, shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 50,000 Baht.

Section 81 : Any alien who stay in the Kingdom without permission or with permission expired or revoked shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or a fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht or both.

Section 82 : Any alien who evades the service of an order issued by the Minister Immigration Commission, Director General, or the competent official designated by the Immigration Commission, which is required to be served upon him [alien] under this Act, shall be punished with a fine not exceeding 5,000 Baht.

If the order as stated in Para.1 is for deportation the offender shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years and fine not exceeding 20,000 Baht.

Section 83 : In the case where the offenders, who shall be punished under this Act are a juristic person, managing director, manager, or representative of such juristic person, they will be punished in accordance with the penalty provided for such offenses unless they can prove that they are not involved in the commission of an offense by said juristic persons.

Section 84 : In all offenses under this Act, except the provisions of Section 62 Para.1 Section 63 , 64, 71 and 82 Para.2. The settlement Commission ,consisting of the Police Department’s Director General or Representative, the Public Prosecution Department’s Director General or Representative, and the Immigration Division’s Commander or Representative, as the, members shall have the authority to assign duty of settlement to the Inquiry Official or the competent official by fixing a settlement rule or any conditions as the Settlement Commission my deem proper.

When the offender has paid the fine as stipulate, the case shall be deemed settled under the Criminal Procedure Code.

Transitory Provisions

Section 85 : It is recognized that any alien who is authorized to stay temporarily in the Kingdom on the date that this Act comes into force is one who has been permitted to stay under this Act, but said alien will be entitled to the rights and benefits only as stated in the previous application.

Section 86 : Any alien allowed to stay temporarily in the Kingdom and who has stayed more than ninety days on the date that this Act comes into force, shall notify the competent official under Section 37(5) within 7 days from the date that this Act comes into force.

Section 87 : The house master, owner, or possessor of a dwelling place, or a hotel manager, who has allowed an alien to remain temporarily in the Kingdom on the date that this Act comes into force. Shall notify the competent official under Section 38 within 30 days from the date that this Act comes into force.

Section 88 : It recognized that a Residence Certificate, issued under the law on Immigration before the date that this Act comes into force and still valid, will be valid as the Residence Certificate issued under this Act.

Section 89 : It is recognized that the endorsement of departure for return, stamped on the alien’s Residence Certificate by the competent official before the date that this Act comes into force, is remain valid as the endorsement issued under this Act.

Section 90 : It is recognized that an alien who is detained for deportation on the date that this Act comes into force, is viewed as one who is detained for deportation under the provision of this Act.

Section 91 : It is recognized that all alien’s applications pending consideration on the date that this Act comes into force are viewed as applications submitted under the provisions of this Act.

Section 92 : All ministerial regulations, regulations, orders, or resolutions of the Immigration Commission under the Immigration Act B.E. 2493 (1950),revised by the Second Immigration Act B.E. 249 (1954), which were still in force before the date that this Act came into force, are still in force if they are not in contravention to this Act, until it would have the ministerial regulation, regulations, orders, or the resolutions of the Immigration Commission under this Act come into force.

Rate of Fees Services Charges and other Expenses Fees
1. Appeal in reference to Section 22 ; - each person not exceeding 500.00 Baht.
2. Application for extension of temporary stay in the Kingdom in reference to Section 35 ; - each person, each time, not exceeding 500.00 Baht.
3. Appeal in reference to Section 36 ; - each person not exceeding 500.00 Baht.
4. Application for each re – entry permit, for holders of any visa application of entry, under Section 39. - each person, each re – entry, not exceeding 500.00 Baht.
5. Application for residency in the Kingdom in reference to Section 45 ; - each person not exceeding 2,000.00 Baht.
6. Aertificate of Residence in reference to Section 47 or 51; - each certificate not exceeding 50,000.00 Baht.
In the case the applicant for a Residence Certificate is the spouse or the child who is not sui juris of the alien talking residence in the Kingdom or of the person whose nationality is Thai; - each certificate not exceeding 25,000 Baht.
7. Endorsement of departure for returning in reference to Section 50(1); - each person not exceeding 500.00 Baht.
8. Certificate of Residence in reference to Section 50(2); - each certificate not exceeding 5,000.00 Baht.
9. Document issued in reference to Section 52; - each document not exceeding 500.00 Baht.
10. Application for proof of nationality in reference to Section 57; - each person not exceeding 200.00 Baht.

Fee for Services and other expenses
1. Inspection of a conveyance during non – duty hours ; if the conveyance has no passengers; - each conveyance, each time, not exceeding 200.00 Baht.
2. If the conveyance has passengers, the fee will be increased on a per person basis; - each passenger not exceeding 10.00 Baht.
3. Inspection of a conveyance at a place other than prescribed by the Director General in accordance with Section 26(Para.1) - each conveyance, each day, not exceeding 200.00 Baht.
4. Waiting for inspection of conveyance which is not the official’s fault; - each day not exceeding 200.00 Baht.
5. Going out of the office for controlling a conveyance ; - each conveyance, each day, not exceeding 200.00 Baht.

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