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History of Cannabis
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Thailand’s Notable
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Guide for Tourists
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Neither Free nor Fair:
  Burma’s Sham Elections

Sex Laws in Thailand:
  Part 1

Renewable Energy
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Transsexuals and
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Foreign Mafia in

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Content for the Thailand Law Forum has been developed with the assistance of Chaninat and Leeds.  They provide a variety of legal professional services, specializing in Thailand criminal defense cases.


(9) to carry out acts in relation to King’s scholarships and government scholarships in accordance with policies or rules of the CSC under section 8(8);
(10) to carry out acts in relation to the care of public personnel and scholars in accordance with directives or rules of the CSC under section 8(9);
(11) to carry out acts in relation to the accreditation of degrees, vocational certificates or other credentials of persons for the purpose of instatement and appointment of civil officials and to determine the salary rates or remuneration as well as the position levels and position categories for such credentials;
(12) to carry out acts in relation to the maintenance of personnel records and to oversee the retirement by age of civil officials;
(13) to prepare an annual report on human resource management in the civil service for submission to the CSC and the Council of Ministers;
(14) to perform other duties as provided in this Act, other laws or as assigned by the Council of Ministers, Prime Minister or CSC.

Section 14. There shall be a Civil Service Sub-Commission, abbreviated “CSSC”, to act as a human resource management body in various government agencies, as follows:
(1) a Ministerial Civil Service Sub-Commission, abbreviated “Ministry CSSC”, identified by the ministry’s name;
(2) a Departmental Civil Service Sub-Commission, abbreviated “Department CSSC”, identified by the department’s name;
(3) a Provincial Civil Service Sub-Commission, abbreviated “Province CSSC”, identified by the province’s name;
(4) Civil Service Sub-Commissions for other government agencies apart from (1), (2) and (3). The names, composition and powers and duties of the CSSC’s under (4) shall be as prescribed by CSC Regulation.

Section 15. The Ministry CSSC shall comprise the Minister in Charge as Chairman, the permanent secretary as Vice-Chairman, and one representative of the CSC appointed from civil officials in the OCSC as ex officio sub-commissioner, and the following sub-commissioners appointed by the CSSC Chairman:

(1) not more than three qualified persons in the fields of human resource management, administration and management and law, whose works are renowned in the relevant fields and who are not officials in such ministry;
(2) not more than five civil officials holding higher level executive positions in such ministry who are elected from civil officials holding such positions.

This CSSC shall appoint one person as secretary. Section 16. The Ministry CSSC shall have the following powers
and duties:
(1) to consider the formulation of policies, systems and rules and procedures for human resource management in the ministry, which must be consistent with the rules, procedures and standards prescribed by the CSC under section 8(3);
(2) to consider the redistribution of manpower among government agencies within the ministry;
(3) to consider matters pertaining to disciplinary proceedings and orders of discharge from government service as provided in this Act; (4) to carry out other acts under this Act and assist the CSC in the performance of functions pursuant to this Act as assigned by the CSC.

Section 17. The Department CSSC shall comprise the directorgeneral as Chairman, a deputy director-general designated by the directorgeneral as Vice-Chairman, and the following sub-commissioners appointed by the CSSC Chairman:

(1) not more than three persons qualified in the field of human resource management, administration and management and law, whose works are renowned in the relevant fields and who are not officials in such department;
(2) not more than six civil officials holding executive positions or managerial positions in such department who are elected from civil officials holding such positions.

This CSSC shall appoint one person as secretary.

Section 18. The Department CSSC shall have the following powers and duties:

(1) to consider the formulation of policies, systems and rules and procedures for human resource management in the department, which must be consistent with the rules, procedures and standards prescribed by the CSC under section 8(3) and the policies and human resource management system prescribed by the Ministry CSSC under section 16(1);
(2) to consider the redistribution of manpower among government agencies within the department;
(3) to consider matters pertaining to disciplinary proceedings and orders of discharge from government service as provided in this Act;
(4) to carry out other acts under this Act and assist the CSC in the performance of functions pursuant to this Act as assigned by the CSC.

Section 19. The Province CSSC shall comprise the Provincial Governor as Chairman, a Provincial Deputy Governor designated by the Provincial Governor as Vice-Chairman, and the following sub-commissioners appointed by the CSSC Chairman:
(1) not more than three persons qualified in the field of human resource management, administration and management and law, whose works are renowned in the relevant fields and who are not civil officials in such province;
(2) not more than six civil officials holding executive or managerial positions, who have been appointed by ministries or departments to posts in such province, and are elected from civil officials holding such positions, whereby each person shall not be attached to the same ministry.

This CSSC shall appoint one person as secretary.

Section 20. The Province CSSC shall have the following powers and duties:
(1) to consider the formulation of guidelines and procedures for human resource management, which must be consistent with the rules, procedures and standards prescribed by the CSC under section 8(3);
(2) to consider matters pertaining to disciplinary proceedings and orders of discharge from government service as provided in this Act;
(3) to perform duties assigned by a Ministry CSSC or Department CSSC;
(4) to carry out other acts under this Act and assist the CSC in the performance of functions pursuant to this Act as assigned by the CSC.

Section 21. Rules and procedures for the recruitment and selection of persons for appointment as sub-commissioners under section 15(1) and (2), section 17(1) and (2) and section 19(1) and (2), terms of offices and
the minimum number of such sub-commissioners shall be as prescribed by CSC Regulation.

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