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21 January 2010

Animal Epidemics Act
B.E.2499 (1956)

Given on the 28th of September B.E.2499
Being the 11th year of the Present Reign.

Authorized UnOfficial Translation

By Royal Command of His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej it is hereby proclaimed that

Whereas it is proper that there be a law on animal epidemics;

His Majesty the King. by and with the advice and consent of the Assembly of the People's Representatives, is graciously pleased to en an Act as follows:

SECTION 1. This Act shall be called the “Animal Epidemics Act B.E. 2499”

SECTION 2. This Act shall come into force after the expiration of ninety days form its publication in the Government Gazette.

SECTION 3. The following are repealed:

(1) the Epidemics of Livestock and Beasts of Burden Act B.E. 2474;

(2) the Epidemics of Livestock and Beasts of Burden Amendment Act B.E. 2478; and

(3) the Epidemics of Livestock and Beasts of Burden Act (No.3) B.E. 2497

Provisions of all laws, regulations or rules insofar as the conflict with or are contrary to the provisions of this Act shall be governed hereby

SECTION 4. In this Act

“Animal” means

*(1) Elephants, horses, cattle, buffaloes, donkeys, mules, goats, sheep, pigs, dogs, cats, rabbits, gibbons and shall mean to include the semen for breeding purposes and embryo (youngs of animals not yet develop completed visceral organs) of these animals.”

(2) Poultry of the classifications: birds, chicken, duck, geese, and shall include the eggs for fertilisation, and,

(3) Other kinds of animals as may by determined by Ministerial Regulations;

“Carcass ” means the body or part of the body of a dead animal which has not yet been changed into cooked food or a finally processed product and shall include tusks, horns, and hair cut from animal while alive but which have not yet been changed into things in final processed forms.

“Epidemic disease ” means rinderpest, hemorrhagic septicaemia, anthrax, surra, glanders, epizootic lymphangitis (strangles) , foot and mouth disease, hog cholera (swine fever) and other diseases as may by determined by Ministerial Regulation;

“Owner ” shall include the person in possession. In cases involving animals whose owner is not apparent, it shall also include the person tending the animals or in whose custody the animals are;

“Port of entry ” means a place for the importation of animals and carcasses;

“Port of exit ” means a place for the exportation of animals and carcasses;

“Animal quarantine station ” means the place for the confinement of animals or carcasses for examination for epidemics;

“Trade” means middleman-type trade;

“Competent official” means persons appointed by the Minister;

“Inspector” means inspectors of the Department of Livestock Development or persons appointed by the Director General;

“Registrar” means the persons appointed by the Minister as registrar;

“Veterinarian” means veterinarians of the Department of Livestock Development or persons appointed by the Minister;

“Director General” means the Director General of the Department of Livestock Development,

“Minister” means the Minister in Charge under this Act.

SECTION 5. Animals which belong to the Ministry of Defence are not under this Act.

SECTION 6. With respect to dog, cats, rabbits, monkeys, gibbons, including the semen of such animals, and poultry of the classifications; birds, chicken, ducks, geese including eggs for fertilisation, this Act shall apply only to importation, exportation, transit through the kingdom, or other act as may be prescribed by Royal Decree.

SECTION 7. The Minister of Agriculture shall be in charge under this Act and shall have the power to appoint competent officials, registrars, and veterinarians, and to issue Ministerial Regulations prescribing rules for applying for and issuing licenses, fixing fees at no higher than the rates prescribed in the annexed schedule, or giving exemptions from fees in specific cases, and prescribing other matters to carry out the provisions of this Act.

Such Ministerial Regulations shall come into force upon publication in the Government Gazette.

* the previous clause in Section 4, the word "animals" is repealed nas the printed clause hereby is used instead by virtue of Section 3 of the Animal Epidemics Act (No.2) B.E.2542

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