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With experienced US Thai lawyers, the law firm of Chaninat & Leeds can assist with all types of legal cases with specialization in US immigration and visas.  The Thailand Law Forum would like to thank them for their support.


SECTION 31. No one may import, export, or transit though the kingdom animals or carcasses without having obtained a license from the Director General.

The Director General or person authorized by the Director General may prescribe such conditions as may deemed appropriate in the license.

Importation, exportation, or transit through the kingdom of animal or carcasses under this section shall be done at ports of entry or ports or exits as the case may be unless the Director General or person authorized by the Director General shall order otherwise.

SECTION 32. Whoever imports, exports or transit through the kingdom animals or carcasses shall comply with the Ministerial Regulations.

*SECTION 33. The Director general shall have the power by notification in the Government Gazettle:
(1) to appoint inspectors to oversee implementation of this Act;
(2) to set up animal quarantine station and animals transportation depots;
(3) to set up the regulations for destroying animals tainted by the epidemic disease or animals or carcasses of animals becoming carriers of epidemic disease;
(4) to set up the regulations for inspections and disaffection of animals and carcasses of animals in case of importation, exportation, exportation or transit through or on domestic movement in the Kingdom.

SECTION 34. Any person moving elephants, horses, cattle, buffaloes, goats, sheep, pigs, embryo, semen for breeding purposes or other kinds of animals specified in the Ministerial Regulations, or animal carcasses specified in the Ministerial regulations, to the provincial area , shall first obtain a permit from the local Veterinarian concerned.

Upon issuing a permit under the preceding paragragh, the veterinarian may impose necessary conditions in the permit regarding the routes and types of vehicles to be used for transporting the animals, as well as animal transportation stations and animal quarantine station to be passed in accordance with the regulations set up by the Director General. The leading to animals for feeding or working from time to time is exempted.

SECTION 35. Whoever takes animals through animal quarantine station shall comply with Ministerial Regulations.

SECTION 36. Whoever exports animals or carcasses for sale abroad shall comply with Ministerial Regulations.

SECTION 37. Fifty percent of all fees collected as lodging house charges for animals or carcasses to be exported shall be retained as a fund for expenses in the control or exportation of animals and carcasses for sale abroad. Whatever remains shall be limited as state revenue.

SECTION 38. Inspectors shall have the power to arrest those who violate the provision of this Act, and to seize animals, carcasses of animals or other objects connected with the violation of this act for delivery to the inquiry officers for him to proceed under the criminal procedures Act, so to take action under section 51.

* the previous clause is repealed and the printed clause hereby is used instead by virtue of Section 7 of the Animal Epidemics Act (No.2) B.E. 2542
* The previous clause is repealed and the printed clause hereby is used instead by virtue of Section 7 of the Animal Epidemics Act (No.2) B.E. 2542
* the previous clause is repealed and the printed clause hereby is used instead by virtue of Section 8 of the Animal Epidemics Act (No.2) B.E. 2542
* the previous clause is repealed and the printed clause hereby is used instead by virtue of Section 9 of the Animal Epidemics Act (No.2) B.E. 2542

Chapter 6

*SECTION 39. The violator of the Provisions of Section 8, paragraph 1, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding Bath 2,000.

*SECTION 40. The violator of the Provisions of section 8, paragraph 2 or of the orders of competent officials and inspectors under section 9 , or of provisions of section 19, or owner of vehicles, premises or locations, who obstructs or fails to provide apropriate facilities to the veterinarian under section 29 , paragraph 1 , shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding 2 months or a fine not exceeding Bath 4,000 , or both.

*SECTION 41. The violator of orders of the veterinarians under section 10 or section 18 or section 23 shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or a fine not exceeding Bath 10,000 , or both.

*SECTION 42. The violator of section 12, section 17, section 21, section 21 (b), or section 28 shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding 1 year or a fine not exceeding Bath 20,000 , or both.

SECTION 43. Whoever contravenes section 13      In the event of non-compliance with section 8, paragraph 1 shall be subject to the penalty provided in Section 39,
     In the event of non-compliance with section 8, paragraph 2 or contravened orders of Competent officials or inspectors under section 9 shall be subject to the penalty provided in section 40.
     In the event of non-compliance with an order of a veterinarian under section 10 or 18 shall be subject to the penalty provided in section 41.
      **SECTION 44. The land owner who fails to fulfill his duties specified under section 25 shall be liable to fine not exceeding Bath 2,000.

***SECTION 45. (this section is repealed)

****SECTION 46. The violator of proclamation of the Minister under section 30 (2) shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, or to a fine not exceeding Bath 40,000, or both.

*SECTION 47. The violator of section 31, paragraph 1 or paragraph 3 or of the conditions specified in the license under section 31, paragraph 2 shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding 2 years, or a fine not exceeding Bath 40,000, or both.

*SECTION 48. The violator of section 32, section 35 or section 36 shall be liable to imprisonment not exceeding 2 months, or to a fine not exceeding Bath 4,000, or both.

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