Chapter 1
Prevention of Epidemics
SECTION 8. In localities not yet proclaimed free zone of epidemic under Chapter 2 or in localities not yet proclaimed epidemic areas, suspected epidemic areas, or temporary epidemic areas under Chapter 3, if an animal is sick or dies of an epidemic disease where it is known, or if an animal becomes sick or dies suddenly from an unknown cause, or if in the same village or adjacent area there are two or more animals which have become sick of die having the same symptoms within seven days or each other, the owner shall notify the competent official, inspector, or veterinarian of the locality within twenty-four hours from the time the animal becomes sick or dies.
In the event animals become sick under the preceding paragraph, the owner shall see that all sick carcsses in the vicinity where they are. The owner and all other persons are forbidden to move any sick animal from that vicinity. In the event animals dies under the preceding paragraph, the owner shall see that the carcasses of such animals in the place where the animals dies. The owner and all other persons are forbidden to move, cut up, or do anything else to such carcasses. If the competent official, inspector, or veterinarian is unable to insect the carcasses within forty-eight hours from the time the animal dies the owner shall bury such carcasses at least fifty centimetres below the surface , also be covered over with earth extending fifty centimetres above the surface of the land, in case of large carcasses.
SECTION 9. When notification is given under section 8 or there are reasonable grounds to suspect an animal is sick or has dies because of epidemic disease, the competent official or inspector shall have have the power to issue orders in writing to have the owner do as follows;
(1) confine, separate, or move the sick animal or animal suspected of being sick within the area and according to the method prescribed.
(2) Burning are not possible, orders may by given for destruction by other means as may be deemed appropriate, or
(3) confine, separate, or remove animal which are or were in the same group with a sick animal or animal suspected of being sick or dead animal within the area and according to the method prescribed.
SECTION 10. Upon notification under section 8, or upon finding of reasonably suspecting an animal to be sick or be sick or to have died of an epidemic disease, veterinarians shall have the power to enter and examine the animal or carcasses and shall have the power to issue orders in writing to have the owner do as follows;
(1) confine, separate, or move the sick animal or animal suspected of being sick within the area and according to the method prescribed, or give treatment as may be thought proper,
(2) bury or burn all or part of the carcasses at the place prescribed. If burial or burning is not possible, destruction by other means as may be thought appropriate may be required,
(3) confine, separate, or remove animal which are or were in the same group with a sick or suspected sick or dead animal within the area and by the method prescribed or have the animals receive protection against epidemic as may be thought proper, (4) destroy animals affected with epidemic disease or animals or carcasses which are carriers of epidemic disease in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Director Genral with the approval of the Minister. In such case, the owner shall receive compensation provided in Ministerial Regulations with the amount not less than one half of the local market value of the animal before the epidemic occurs unless the owner has intetionally contravened the provisions of this Act,
(5) destroy epidemic carrying germs in animal feed or carcasses by the methods precribed, or (6) cleanse and disinfect land, building, vehicles, or things by the methods precribed,
Chapter 2
Epidemic Free Zone
SECTION 11. The Minister shall have the power he thinks fit in order to prevent the occurrence of epidemic for any kind of animal in any locality to proclaim in the Government Gazette all or part of such locality an epidemic- free zone. Such proclamation shall give the kind of animal and epidemic.
SECTION 12. When an epidemic-free zone has been proclaimed under Section 11, no one may move animals or carcasses into or through such area unless by permission in writing with from the Director General or veterinarian authorized by the Director General.
SECTION 13. Within epidemic-free zone, animal owner shall have the duty to comply with section 8 , competent officials and inspectors shall have the power granted in section 9, and veterinarians shall have the power granted in section 10 and 18.
SECTION 14. Within epidemic-free zone, if it appears that there is epidemic disease, or there is reason to believe there is epidemic disease , the Changwat Governor or veterinarian may proclaim it an epidemic area, suspected epidemic area, or temporary epidemic area as the case may be under chapter 3.
Chapter 3
Epidemic Areas
SECTION 15. In any Changwat locality if there is epidemic disease or suspected epidemic, the Governor of Changwat shall have the power to proclaim all or part of the locality an epidemic area or suspected epidemic area as the case may be. This proclamation shall give the kinds of epidemic and shall be posted at the Changwat office, Amphur Offices, kamnans’houses, village chiefs’ houses, at the meeting place within the area.
SECTION 16. If a veterinarian is of the opinion that epidemic disease discovered in his or an adjacent locality will spread, he shall have the power to proclaim in writing a temporary epidemic area with a radius not more than five kilometres from the place the epidemic disease was discovered. This proclamation shall give the kinds of animals and kind of epidemic disease and shall be posted at Kamnans’ houses, village chiefs’ houses and at meeting place within the area and shall remain effective for thirty days from its issuance.
SECTION 17. When there has been a proclamation of an epidemic area or suspected epidemic area under section 15 or proclamation of temporary epidemic area under section 16, no one may move animals and carcasses within such are or move animals or carcasses into or out of such area except by permission in writing from the veterinarian. SECTION 18. Within an epidemic area or suspected epidemic area under section 15 or temporary epidemic area under section 16, veterinarians shall have the power granted under section 10 and the following power:
(1) to issue notices or instructions in writing to all owners to report the number of animals of certain kinds and if deemed proper to bring the animals for examination or protection or protection epidemic disease,
(2) to order owners of animals which have been examined or protected against epidemic disease to take the animals to be marked, or
(3) to order the quarantine of vehicles which carry animals or carcasses for inspection for epidemic disease and if deemed proper animals or carcasses may be ordered quarantined for observation as may be necessary
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