Section 9. The examination in relation to the issuance of the Title Deed or the Utilization Certificate or the registration of rights and juristic acts in connection with immovable property or making records of register of immovable properties under paragraph two of Section 61 of the Land Code amended by the Act Amending the Land Code (No. 4), B.E. 2528 (1985) that has been carried out prior to enforcement date of this Act shall be the examination under Section 61 of the Land Code amended by this Act.
With respect to the examination under paragraph one that is in the process of consideration of the provincial Governor, the provincial Governor shall submit the file of examination thereof to the Director-General within thirty days from the enforcement date of this Act.
Section 10. The Minister of Interior shall have charge and control of the execution of this Act.
Remarks:- The reasons of the promulgation of this Act are as follows: It is considered expedient to amend the provisions in relation to the person authorized to order the revocation or the correction of the Title Deed or the Utilization Certificate to the effect that only the Director-General or the Deputy Director-General authorized thereby shall have powers and duties to order the revocation or the correction thereof in order to accelerate the process of revocation or correction. In addition, it is advisable to revise the provisions related to the registration of the immovable properties devolved by succession, the attachment of land, the levy of fee for registration of rights and juristic acts, and the schedule of fees and expenses annexed to the Land Code. It is therefore necessary to enact this Act.
*Royal Decree amending the provisions to be in line with the transfer of duties borne by the government units shall be in accordance with the Act amending the Ministry, the Sub-Ministry, and the Department, B.E. 2545 (2002).111
Section 4. In the Land Code:
(1) in Section 14, the “Minister of Interior” shall be amended to the “Minister of Natural Resources and Environment”, the “Director-General of the Department of Public Welfare” shall be amended to the “Director-General of the Department of Social Development and Welfare”, and the “Director-General of the Department of Lands” shall be amended to the “Director of the Office of Natural Resources and Environmental Policy and Planning”;
(2) in Section 105, the “Director-General of the Department of Lands or the representative” shall be amended to the “Director-General of the Treasury Department or the representative”, and the “Director-General of the Public Works Department” shall be amended to the “Director-General of the Department of Public Works and Town & Country Planning”;
(3) in Section 105 sex., the “provincial land officers” shall be amended to the “head of provincial treasury officers”.
Remarks:- The reasons of the promulgation of this Royal Decree are as follows: Whereas the Act Amending the Ministry, the Sub-Ministry, and the Department, B.E. 2545(2002) provides for the establishment of the new government units bearing new responsibilities and tasks and the Royal Decree has been enacted to provide for the proceeding of the transfer of the administration as well as powers and duties of the government units in accordance with the aforesaid Act Amending the Ministry, the Sub-Ministry, and the Department which prescribes that the powers and duties of the former government units, the Ministers, the persons holding office, and other persons performing duties of the former units shall be conveyed to the new government units with amendment of certain provisions made in line with the conveyed powers and duties, it is therefore, for purpose of implementation in accordance with the doctrines of the said Act and the Royal Decree, expedient to amend certain provisions as such. In addition, for purpose of convenience in implementing the law without the need to search into the law on transfer of powers and duties to check which unit or person is responsible for which duty, certain provisions thereof are amended to provide for the change of names of the government units, the Ministers, the persons holding office, or the persons performing duties of the government units to correspond with the change of powers and duties. Furthermore, there shall be an addition of the government units’ representatives into the Committee so as to be in line with the tasks that have been transferred from the former units which are consequentially to be abolished in accordance with the aforesaid Act and Royal Decree. It is therefore necessary to enact this Royal Decree.
Act Amending the Land Code (No. 10), B.E. 2550 (2007)112
Remarks:- The reasons of the promulgation of this Act are as follows: Whereas the support for the technology information system that is adopted to facilitate the registration of rights and juristic acts is required, it is expedient to amend the provisions in relation to the record making of the Title Deed and the Utilization Certificate allowing the use of the technology information system in making and keeping record thereof. In addition, there shall be the amended provision conferring power on the land officers, with assistance of the said system, to register the rights and juristic acts related to the immovable properties that are situated in the district of the relevant Provincial Land Office or other Provincial Land Offices for purposes of convenience and acceleration of service rendered to people. It is therefore necessary to enact this Act.
Act Amending the Land Code (No. 11), B.E. 2551 (2008)113
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111. Published in the Government Gazette, Vol. 119, Part 102 Gor, Page 66, dated 8th October B.E. 2545 (2002).
112. Published in the Government Gazette, Vol. 124, Part 61 Gor, Page 30, dated 27th September B.E. 2550 (2007).
113. Published in the Government Gazette, Vol. 125, Part 29 Gor, Page 50, dated 6th February B.E. 2551 (2008).