Therefore, if amendment of the law which make piercing the corporate veil become
more broadly used is plausible, it should be arranged in Civil and Commercial Code, Title 22:
Partnership and Companies as an exception of limited liability doctrine in section 1015, 1096.
This will solve the troubles arising from using the limited liability as a veil in every circumstance and can be applied in every type of corporations. Moreover, codification of
piercing the corporate veil doctrine will enhance clarity and righteousness for the judicial
branch to untie the legal, instead of an arm-length enforcement from section 5 of TCCC.
The guideline of the amendment may state that "In case that a corporations is
unfaithfully run; with an intention to fraud or deceive its creditors or innocent third party
or try to evade the liability or law enforcement, shareholders, directors or officers who
are the conspirers of such act, shall be unlimitedly liable for the all debts of the
corporation together with the corporation.
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[Piercing the corporate veil doctrine] 4-6 available at
Peter French, Parent Corporation Liability: an Evaluation of the Corporate Veil Piercing
Doctrine and Its Application to the Toxic Tort Arena, 5 Tul. Envtl. L.J. 605
Elizabeth S. Miller, Are There Limits on Limited Liability? Owner Liability Protection
and Piercing the Veil of Texas Business Entities, 43-FALL Tex. J. Bus. L. 405
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Carsten Alting, Piercing the Corporate Veil in American and German Law-Liability of
Individuals and Entities: A Comparative View, 2 Tulsa J. Comp. & Int'L L.
(Katsutoshi Nishikawa),),
( Application of the Doctrine of Piercing the Corporate Veil in Disposition for
Tax Delinquency), publication of Hiroshima Taxation Bureau Collection Division,
available at
(Yoko Tamura), (The Case Studies
of Piercing the Corporate Veil Doctrine), Ritsumeikan University Law Journal
(2007) available at
Aotake Shoichi, The Close Corporation in Japanese Law, Hokkaido University Law
Journal (1981) available at dspace/bitstream/2115/16339/1/31(3-4)2_p508-493.pdf.
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