Section 29. No person shall cause damage to the Navigation Lock, Weir, Barrage, Regulator, water pipe, Syphon, Flume, Fall, telephone post or wire used for irrigation purposes so as to render its use dangerous or inconvenient.
Section 30. No person shall do anything which causes damage to the Embankment, Berm, Dam, Flood Embankment or bench mark used for irrigation purposes.
Section 31. No person shall do anything which obstructs the alignment already surveyed or causes the alignment already surveyed or the pegs marking the working area to be dislocated or lost.
The previous provision of Section 32 was repealed by Section 14 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 3) B.E. 2507 and superseded by the following.
Section 32. No person other than the Competent Official shall close or open the Navigation Lock, Barrage, Regulator, water pipe, Syphon, Flume, Fall or push and pull in a slipway in the area of Dam or Regulator.
Section 33. No person other than the Irrigation Engineer or those authorized by the Director General shall alter, modify or dismantle any irrigation structure.
Section 34. No person shall excavate or remodel the Irrigation Waterway which will cause damage to the irrigation works or bar the Irrigation Waterway, unless he has obtained authorization from the Director General.
Section 35. The Official shall have the power to order any person not to draw or make use of water in the Irrigation Waterway in a manner which may be detrimental to other persons.
The provision in Section 36, pervious pervasion was repealed by Section 7 of the State Irrigation (No. 4) B.E. 2518 and superseded by the following.
Section 36. He who fails to pay the irrigation rates under the provisions in the Ministerial Regulation issued under Section 8(3) or (4) shall be punished with fine not exceeding ten times of the outstanding irrigation rates.
When the offender under paragraph one pays the outstanding irrigation rates, plus one time the amount to the Official within the specified time, he shall be forgiven of the punishment.
There shall be added the following as Section 36 bis and Section 36 ter by Section 16 of the State Irrigation Act (No.3) B.E. 2507.
Section 36 bis. He who fails to pay the irrigation rates under the provisions in the Ministerial Regulation issued under Section 14(3) shall be punished with fine not exceeding two times of the payable irrigation rates.
When the offender under paragraph one pays the payable irrigation rates, plus fifty percent of the payable irrigation rates to the Official within the specify time, he shall be forgiven of the punishment.
Section 36 ter. He who acts in contravention of Section 13 quinque, Section 20 paragraph one, or acts in contravention in the Ministerial Regulation issued under Section 14 (1) or (6), or acts in contravention of the prohibit on restriction, limiting or condition of Section 15(3) or Section 16, or acts in contravention of Section 13 tri (1) Section 20 paragraph two or Section 24 shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding one month or fine not exceeding one thousand Baht, or both.
The provision in Section 37, previous provision was repealed by Section 7 of the State Irrigation Act(No. 4) B.E. 2518 and superseded by the following.
Section 37. He who acts in contravention of Section 23 paragraph one, Section 25 paragraph one, Section 28 paragraph one, Section 30 or Section 31 shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding three months or fine not exceeding two thousand Baht, or both.
He who acts in contravention of Section 28 paragraph two shall be punished with imprisonment not exceeding two years or fine not exceeding one hundred thousand Bath, or both.
The previous provision of Section 38 and 39 were repealed by Section 11 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 2), B.E. 2497 and superseded by the following.
Section 38. He who acts in contravention of Section 21 or Section 35 shall be punished with fine not exceeding two thousand Baht or imprisonment for a period of not exceeding three months, or both.
The previous provision of Section 38 and 39 were repealed by Section 11 and 12 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 2), B.E. 2497 and superseded by the following.
"Section 39. He who acts in contravention of Section 27 shall be punished with fine for each animal at the rate of five Baht but not exceeding fifty Baht each.
If it is a case in which the arrest of the offender is led by an informant, the Public Prosecution Officer shall make a request to the Court. In this connection, the Court shall have the power to order payment to the informant as a reward amounting to half of the fine to be paid to the Court; but if the case is brought to a close by order of the officer responsible for probing and making compromise in criminal cases, the officer making compromise shall pay the informant half of the fine received, and in case of several informants being involved, the reward shall be divided into equal parts."
The previous provision of Section 40 shall be repealed by Section 13 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 2) B.E. 2497 and superseded by the following.
"Section 40. He who acts in contravention of Section 26 paragraph 1 or Section 29 shall be punished with fine not exceeding twenty thousand Baht or imprisonment for a period of not exceeding five years, or both.
The, previous provision of Section 41 shall be repealed by Section 14 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 2) B.E. 2497 and superseded by the following:
Section 41. He who acts in contravention of Section 32, Section 33 or Section 34 shall be punished with fine not exceeding ten thousand Baht or imprisonment for a period of not exceeding two years, or both.
Charge and Control for the Execution of the Act
Section 42. The Minister of Agriculture shall have charge and control for the execution of this Act, and shall have the power to issue Ministerial Regulations for the execution of this Act.
Such Ministerial Regulations shall come into force upon their publication in the Government Gazette.
Countersignature by
Field Marshal P. Pibulsonggram
President of the Council of Ministers.
Index Page
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