Section 18. The Director General shall have the power to grant exemption from irrigation rates to the Village Headman, Village Elder and Municipal Councillor mentioned in the foregoing Section or to the person nominated by the Village Headman, Village Elder or Municipal Councillor for exemption, wholly or partially, on his behalf at the following rates:
(a) Village Headman and Municipal Councillor, fifty rai per person.
(b) Village Elder, twenty-five Rai per person.
Section 19. In case of excavation and repair of Irrigation Waterways, if there is no place for the deposit of spoil, it may be deposited no the land which is close to it as may be necessary. In this case, if it causes damage to the crop or the structure which exists at the time, reasonable compensation shall be paid.
Section 20. When the Official supplies, drains or pumps water into any piece of land for agricultural purposes, no person shall close up or intercept water by any means whatsoever so as to cause water to be held back in its flow to the neighboring lands or to the destination.
The Official or the District Officer or his Deputy shall close the power, if he deems fit, to give orders in writing to the owner or possessor of land, or the person cultivating the land to remove anything, closing up or intercepting the water as may be determined, or have the same done by himself. For this purpose the Official or the District Officer or his Deputy shall have the power to enter upon any land for inspection and have the said arrangement carried out.
Section 21. In supplying or pumping water into any land for the benefit of cultivation, the Official or the District Officer or his Deputy shall have the power to order the owner or possessor of such land or the person cultivating the land within the area to be inundated, to do anything within the period to be determined to retrain water from flowing to waste so as to cause the neighboring land not to be reasonably inundated.
Section 22. In case any owner or possessor of the land fails to comply with the provisions of Section 20 Paragraph 1 or fails to comply with the order given under Section 20 Paragraph 2 or Section 21 the official shall, besides having him subject to punishment under the provisions of this Act, have the power to engage another person to work in his stead and charge the owner or possessor of the land, as the case may be, for labor according to the rate prevailing locally.
The provisions in Sections 23 and 25 were repealed by Sections 12 & 13 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 3) B.E. 2507 and superseded by the following.
Section 23. No person shall construct, or add any structures or other or cultivate crops, encroaching upon any Irrigation Waterway, Berm, limits of the Embankment of Flood Embankment unless authorization in writing has been obtained from the Irrigation Engineer. In case of offense, besides being subject to punishment under this Act, the Court shall order the offender to remove the encroachment when the complainant asked.
In case of emergency, in order to prevent harm to irrigation works, the Irrigation Engineer shall have the power to take any actions to get rid of anything encroaching upon any Irrigation Waterway, Berm, limits of the Embankment or flood embankment.
Section 24. If there is any tree in any piece of land encroaching upon the Irrigation Waterway or causing damage to the Irrigation Waterway, the Official shall have the power to order the owner or possessor of such land to cut down or remove such tree.
The previous provision of Section 23 and 25 were repealed by Section 12 and 13 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 3) B.E. 2507 and superseded by the following.
Section 25. No person shall do anything which obstructs the Irrigation Waterway unless he has obtained authorization in writing from the Irrigation Engineer. In case of offense, besides being subject to punishment under this Act, the Court shall order the offender to remove the obstruction at the request of the complainant.
In case of emergency, in order to prevent danger to irrigation works, the Irrigation Engineer shall have the power to take any actions to remove the obstruction from any Irrigation Waterway.
The previous provision of Section 26 was repealed by Section 8 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 2) B.E. 2497 and superseded by the following.
Section 26. No person shall dig a canal or waterway to join up with the Irrigation Waterway or any other waterway connecting with the Irrigation Waterway or do anything which causes leakage in the Irrigation Waterway to the detriment of irrigation works unless authorization in writing has been obtained from the Director General or any person deputized by him. Any offender shall, besides being subject to punishment under this Act, be ordered by the Court to close such canal or waterway in order to put a stop to any further leakage.
In order to prevent danger which may happen to the irrigation works the Director General shall have the power to order the person acting as stated in the first paragraph to close such waterway or do anything to prevent further leakage. In case of failure to carry out the order, the Director General shall have the power to order the Official to take action at once and, if necessary to use some land for the purpose, shall have the power to use the land near the canals or the waterway as far as necessary. The expenses involved in this connection including the compensation to be paid to the land owner shall entirely be reimbursed from the offender.
In regard to any canal or waterway which caused leakage in the Irrigation Waterway to the detriment of the irrigation works before the date of this Act coming into force, the Director General shall, If it is deemed fit, have the power to act under the provisions in the second paragraph mutatis mutandis.
Section 27. No person shall lead or allow his cattle to go down the first and second category Irrigation Waterway or to tread on the Embankment, Berm, or the compound of irrigation structures except in the fixed area where the same is allowed or upon authorization in writing from the Official.
The previous provision of Section 28 was repealed by Section 6 of the State Irrigation Act (No. 4) B.E. 2518 and superseded by the following.
Section 28. No person shall throw rubbish, carcass, waste crops, ashes or filth in the Irrigation Waterway or render the water harmful to cultivation or consumption.
No person shall discharge the liquid that may render the natural water polluted, harmful, or poisonous chemical into the Irrigation Waterway that may render the water harmful to agriculture, consumption, or health.
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