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Submissions :

Chaninat & Leeds has assisted with content preparation for the Thailand Law Forum.  Managed by an American lawyer, the law firm oversees all types of legal assistance, including property law and corporate registration, as well as family law, including surrogacy in Thailand.


Section 25
The Fund Committee shall have the power and duty as follows

(1) To consider on Fund allocation for use in the activities prescribed by section 23.
(2) To prescribe rules, conditions, procedures and methods concerning application for allocation or loan from the Fund.
(3) To lay down administrative rules and procedures concerning the power, duties and working methods of the Fund managers according to section 29 and section 30 as well as mechanisms for co-ordination among the Fund Committee, the Comptroller-General's Department and the Fund managers according to section 29 and section 30.
(4) To lay down rules and procedures for the receipt and disbursement of moneys from the Fund.
(5) To fix durations for repayment of loans from the Fund according to section 23 (2) or (3) as well as interest rates and securities as necessary and appropriate.
(6) To determine the ratio and criteria for deduction of service fees and penalties that are required by section 93 to be remitted to the Fund.
(7) To perform any other functions provided under this Act.

The prescription of rules according to sub-section (2), (3) or (4) and guidelines for action under sub-section (1) or (5) shall be approved by the National Environment Board.

The Fund Committee may appoint a subcommittee to consider or carry out any matter as may be entrusted by the Fund Committee.

Section 26
Section 16, section 17 and section 20 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the performance of functions of the Fund Committee and the subcommittee appointed by the Fund Committee.

Section 27
In consideration to allocate money from the Fund for the purpose of section 23 (1), the Fund Committee shall give first priority to the request for allocation under the Changwat Action Plan for environmental quality management according to section 39 to construct or operate the wastewater treatment plant or waste disposal facility, for which certain amount of government budget has been earmarked or revenues of the local administration have been allocated as additional contributions to the Fund allocatio

The proportion between the government budget or contributions from the local revenues and the Fund allocation to be determined by the Fund Committee according to the first paragraph shall be determined in accordance with the rules laid down by the National Environment Board.

Section 28
The Fund allocation as loans to the local administration, state enterprise or private person pursuant to section 23 (2) or (3) shall be determined by the Fund Committee in accordance with the rules and conditions stipulated by the National Environment Board.

in order to encourage compliance with this Act, the Fund Committee may, with the approval of the National Environment Board, allocate from the Fund as an exceptional long-term loan to any local administration, state enterprise, or private person and may determine to reduce the interest rates or make exemption to the payment of such interest as deemed appropriate.

Section 29
The Comptroller-General of the Comptroller-General's Department, Ministry of Finance, shall be the Fund manager in relation to such portion of the Fund to be allocated as grants to the government agency or the local administration for investment in and operation of the central facility for wastewater treatment or waste disposal according to section 23 (1) and those portions of the Fund to be allocated for the purposes other than those provided by section 23 (2) and (3).

Section 30
The Fund Committee may authorize an appropriate financial institution owned by the State or the Industrial Financing Corporation of Thailand to be the Fund manager in relation to such portion of the Fund that will be allocated as loans to the local administration, state enterprise or private person pursuant to section 23 (2) or (3).

In carrying out the management of Fund according to the First paragraph, the Fund manager has the duty to study and analyze the investment and technical feasibility of the project and shall be empowered to enter the loan agreement on behalf of the Fund Committee in the capacity as the lender, to keep and disburse moneys to the borrowers from this portion of the Fund in accordance with the terms and conditions of the loan agreement, to pursue, demand and receive repayments and interest from the borrowers in order to pay back to the Fund, and shall be empowered to lay down rules and procedures, with the approval of the Fund Committee, for such matters.

Under the loan agreement to be entered into according to the second paragraph, there must be a condition stipulated as an essential element of the agreement that the borrower shall have the duty to make use of the loan specifically for the purpose of meeting the requirements with which the borrower has the legal duty to comply under this Act or other related laws.

Section 31
The moneys received into the Fund and kept by the Comptroller-General's Department, Ministry of Finance, shall be managed by deposit in saving or fixed accounts with State owned financial institutions in order to earn accrued interest.

All moneys earned by the Fund according to section 22 shall be paid into its account for the purpose of uses in the activities indicated in section 23 and shall not be remitted to the Treasury as revenues of the Government.

Chapter III Environmental Protection

Part 1 Environmental Quality Standards

Section 32
For the purpose of environmental quality enhancement and conservation, the National Environment Board shall have the power to prescribe by notifications published in the Government Gazette the following environmental quality standards :

(1) Water quality standards for river, canal, swamp, marsh, lake, reservoir and other public inland water sources according to their use classifications in each river basin or water catchment.
(2) Water quality standards for coastal and estuarine water areas.
(3) Groundwater quality standards.
(4) Atmospheric ambient air standards.
(5) Ambient standards for noise and vibration.
(6) Environmental quality standards for other matters.

The prescription of environmental quality standards pursuant to the foregoing paragraph shall be based upon scientific knowledge, principles, criteria and evidence related thereto and shall also take into account the practicability of such standards from the viewpoint of economic, social and technological considerations.

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