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Section 83
In case it is deemed reasonable in the interest of co-ordination of action among agencies concerned, the pollution control official may :

(1) Recommend the official who has the legal power to control the point source of pollution, to close down its operation, to suspend or revoke the license of its owner or operator, or to bar its use or utilization in any way, especially in connection with the point source of pollution under section 68, section 69 or section 74 which has no intention to treat the polluted air, wastewaters or other wastes and illegally discharges the untreated wastes into the environment outside the limits of its site and premise.
(2) Recommend the local official to take legal action against the owner or possessor of the point source of pollution under section 71 or section 72 in order to coerce him to send wastewaters or wastes to be treated or disposed in accordance with this Act.
(3) Give advice and suggestions to the local official or the government agency concerned in connection with the operation and maintenance of the central wastewater treatment plant or the central waste disposal facility under the responsibility of such local official or government agency.

Section 84
In the performance of duty under this Act, the competent official or the pollution control official must produce his identity card at the request of the person concerned.

The identity card of the competent official and pollution control official shall be in such a form as prescribed in the ministerial regulation.

Section 85
The owner or occupier of premises, vehicles or any person concerned shall facilitate the performance of duty under this Act by the competent official or the pollution control official who shall be official under the Penal Code.

Section 86
The performance of duty by the competent official under section 50 , first paragraph, or section 65 and the performance of duty by the pollution control official under section 82 (1) shall be done in the presence of the owner or occupier of the premise or vehicles; if such person cannot be found, it shall be done in the presence of at least two other persons requested by the competent official or the pollution control official to attend as witnesses.

Section 87
The owner or possessor of the point source of pollution, the Service Contractor licensed to render services of wastewater treatment or waste disposal, the Monitoring Control Operator or any other person who is not satisfied with the order of the pollution control official under section 82 (2), (3), (4) or (5), is entitled to challenge such order by petition to the Pollution Control Committee within thirty days form the date of receiving the order of the pollution control official.

If the petitioner does not agree with the decision of the Pollution Control Committee, he shall appeal to the Minister within thirty days from the date of receiving notification of the Pollution Control Committee's decision.

The decision of the Minister shall be final.

Part 8 Service Fee and Penalty

Section 88
In any pollution control area or locality where a central wastewater treatment plant of a central waste disposal facility has been constructed and brought into operation as a public utility service, funded by government budget or revenue of the local administration and money allocated from the Fund as provided in this Act, the National Environment Board shall, with the advice of the Pollution Control Committee, fix the rates of service fee to be applicable within the limits of each pollution control area or locality, being the site of and served by the operation of such facility.

The service fee rates fixed according to the foregoing first paragraph shall be notified and published in the Government Gazette.

Section 89
The rates of service fee fixed according to section 88 for treatment of wastewaters or for disposal of wastes emanated from point sources pursuant to section 71 and section 72 may be varied as appropriate.

The owner or possessor of the point source of pollution governed by the provision of section 72, in the category of domestic household, that can be classified as a small-scale user is entitled to be exempted from the payment of service fees in accordance with the rules and conditions stipulated by the National Environment Board, with the advice of the Pollution Control Committee.

Section 90
Any owner or possessor of point source of pollution who avowedly refrains from sending wastewaters or wastes to the central wastewater treatment plant or the central waste disposal facility as required by section 71 or section 72 and illegally discharges such wastewaters or wastes into the environment outside the limits of the site of the point source owned or possessed by him, or does send the wastewaters or wastes to the central wastewater treatment plant or the central waste disposal facility of the public service for treatment but fails or refuses to make payment for the service fees without being entitled to the exemption as provided by section 89, second paragraph, shall be liable to pay as a penalty four time as much the amount of service fee that he is liable to pay at the rate fixed in accordance with section 88 until the provision of this Act is observed by him.

Section 91
Any owner or possessor of the point source of pollution, required by section 70 to have an on-site facility for wastewater treatment or waste disposal, who illegally discharges wastewaters or wastes into the central wastewater treatment plant or the central waste disposal facility of the public service, shall be liable to pay as a daily penalty four time as much the amount of daily expenses for the normal operation of his on-site facility for wastewater treatment or waste disposal throughout the duration of such illegal discharge and shall also be liable to pay damages if such illegal discharge has caused any damage or defection to the central wastewater treatment plant or the central waste disposal facility of the public service.

Section 92
Any owner or possessor of the point source of pollution subject to the requirements of section 68 or section 70, who refrains from using his on-site facilities or equipment for the control of air pollution, noise pollution and vibrations, or refrains from operating his on-site facilities for the treatment of wastewaters or disposal of wastes and illegally discharges such untreated wastewaters or wastes into the environment outside the limits of the site of the point source of pollution, shall be liable to pay as a daily penalty four time as much the amount of daily expenses for the normal operation of his facilities, equipment or process for wastewater treatment or waste disposal throughout the duration of such illegal discharge.

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