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The requisition for the extradition of the accused person must be accompanied by                    a warrant of arrest issued by the competent authority of the State requiring the extradition, and by such evidence as, according to the laws of the place where the accused is found, would justify his arrest if the crime had been committed there.

If the requisition for extradition relates to a person already convicted, it must be accompanied by a copy of the judgment passed on the convicted person by the competent court of the State that makes the requisition.

A sentence passed in contumacious is not to be deemed a conviction, but a person so sentenced may be dealt with as an accused person.


If the requisition for extradition be in accordance with the foregoing stipulations, the competent authorities of the State applied to shall proceed to the arrest of the fugitive. The prisoner is then to be brought before a competent Magistrate, who is to examine him and to conduct the preliminary investigation of the case, just as if the apprehension had taken place for a crime committed in the same country.


When either of the contracting Parties considers the case urgent it may apply for the provisional arrest of the criminal and the safe keeping of any objects relating to the offence.

Such request will be granted, provided the existence of a sentence or warrant of arrest is proved, and the nature of the offence of which the fugitive is accused is clearly stated.

The warrant of arrest to which this Article refers should be issued by the com patent authorities of the country applying for extradition. The accused shall on arrest be sent as speedily as possible before a competent Magistrate.


In the examinations, which they have to make in accordance with the foregoing
stipulations, the authorities of the State applied to shall admit as valid evidence the sworn depositions or the affirmations of witnesses taken in the other State, or copies thereof, and likewise the warrants and sentences issued therein, and certificates of, or judicial documents stating the fact of, a conviction, provided the same are authenticated as Follows :
1. A warrant must purport to be signed by a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the other State.
2. Depositions or affirmations, or the copies thereof, must purport to be certified under the hand of a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the other State, to be the original depositions or affirmations, or to be the true copies thereof, as the case may require.
3. A certificate of or judicial document stating the fact a conviction must purport to be certified by a Judge, Magistrate, or officer of the other State.
4. In every case such warrant, deposition, affirmation, copy, certificate, or judicial document must be authenticated by the oath of some witness, or by being sealed with                   the official Seal of the Minister of Justice or some other Minister of the other State; but any other mode of authentication for the time being permitted by the law of the country where the examination is taken may be substituted for the foregoing.


The extradition shall not take place unless the evidence be found sufficient according
to the laws of the State applied to, either to justify the committal of the prisoner for trial; in case the crime had been committed in the territory of the said State, or to prove that the prisoner is the identical person convicted by the courts of the State which makes the requisition, and that the Crime of which he has been convicted is one in respect of which extradition could, at the time of such conviction, have been granted by the State applied to.  The fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered until the expiration of fifteen days from the date of his being committed to prison to await his surrender.


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