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Feature Articles :

History of Cannabis
  and Anti-Marijuana
  Laws in Thailand

Thailand’s Notable
  Criminal Extradition

Guide for Tourists
  to Laws in Thailand

Neither Free nor Fair:
  Burma’s Sham Elections

Sex Laws in Thailand:
  Part 1

Renewable Energy
  in Thailand

Transsexuals and
  Thai Law

Foreign Mafia in

Submissions :

Specializing in both family and business legal assistance, Chaninat & Leeds is led by a law firm in Bangkok.  They provide a variety of professional services regarding immigration, land acquisition, intellectual property rights and foreign company registration.   We would like to thank Chaninat & Leeds for submission of this article.


18. Abduction.
19. Child stealing.
20. Abandoning children, exposing or unlawfully detaining them.
21. Kidnapping and false imprisonment.
22. Burglary or housebreaking.
23. Arson.
24. Robbery with violence.
25. Any malicious act done with intent to endanger the safety of any person in a railway train.
26. Threats by letter or otherwise, with intent to extort.
27. Piracy by law of nations.
28. Sinking or destroying a vessel at sea, or attempting or conspiring to do so.
29. Assaults on board a ship on the high seas, with intent to destroy life, or do grievous bodily harm.
30. Revolt, or conspiracy to revolt, by two or more persons on board a ship on the high seas against the authority of the master.
31. Dealing in slaves in such a manner as to constitute a criminal offence against the laws of both States.

Extradition is to be granted for participation in any of the aforesaid crimes, provided such participation be punishable by the laws of both contracting Parties.

Extradition may also be granted at the discretion of the State applied to in respect of any other crime for which, according to the law of both of the contracting Parties for the time being in force, the grant can be made,


Either Government may, at its absolute discretion, refuse to deliver up its own subjects to the other Government.    


The extradition shall not take place if the person claimed on the part of the Government of Thailand or the person claimed on the part of the Government of the United Kingdom, has already been tried and discharged or punished, or is still under trial in the United Kingdom or in the territory of Thailand respectively for the crime for which his extradition is demanded.

If the person claimed on the part of the Government of Thailand or if the person claimed on the part of the Government of the United Kingdom, should be under examination for any crime in the United Kingdom or in the territory of Thailand respectively, his extradition shall be deferred until the conclusion of the trial and the full execution of any punishment awarded to him.


A fugitive criminal shall not be surrendered if the offence in respect of which his                  surrender is demanded is deemed by the Party on whom the demand is made to be one of a political character or if he prove that the requisition for his surrender has in fact been made with a view to try or punish him for an offence of a political character.


A person surrendered can in no case be detained or tried in the State to which the                  surrender has been made for any other crime or on account of any other matters than those for which the extradition shall have taken place until he has been restored or had an opportunity of returning to the State by which he has been surrendered.

This stipulation does not apply to crimes committed after the extradition.


The requisition for extradition shall be made through the diplomatic agents of the High Contracting Parties respectively.


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