Section 43.
The Rector shall have the powers and duties as follows:
(1) To control and supervise the administration of the Private University consistent with the laws, provisions, rules, regulations of the Private University as well as policies and resolutions of the University Council.
(2) To establish the administrative system in accordance with the regulations of the Private University.
(3) To appoint and remove Associate Professors, Special Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, Special Assistant Professors with the approval of the University Council.
(4) To appoint and remove lecturers, special lecturers, assistant lecturers and staff of the Private University.
(5) To monitor and supervise the performance of faculties, assistant lecturers and staff of the Private University.
(6) To make registration records of full time faculties, assistant lecturers, staff and students according to the format prescribed by the Board of Committee.
(7) To control finances, inventories, places, and other properties of the Private University consistent with the laws, provisions, rules, and regulations of the Private University and the resolutions of the University Council.
(8) To be representative for the Private University in general activities.
(9) To make the annual report, the annual balance sheet and other reports in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Board of Committee.
(10) To maintain discipline of the students.
(11) To prevent any activity that seriously endangers national security or safety of the country, national cultures, peace, order or good morals of people in the Private University Campus.
(12) To perform other duties in accordance with the provisions, rules, and regulations of the Private University, the duties assigned by the University Council and the duties prescribed in this Act.
(13) To undertake other activities and routine that the Private University should perform.
Section 44. When the Rector retires from his position, the University Council shall notify the Office of Higher Education Commission within fifteen days from date of retirement.
Section 45. The faculties of the Private University shall have the following academic titles:
(1) Professors, Special Professors.
(2) Associate Professors or Special Associate Professors.
(3) Assistant Professors or Special Assistant Professors.
(4) Lecturers or Special Lecturers.
Section 46. Faculties of the Private University shall have the qualifications and shall not possess the characteristics prohibited as follows:
(1) Having at least a Bachelor Degree or its equivalence or having the knowledge and skill of specialization in a particular subject.
(2) Not having a disease as announced by the Minister in the Government Gazette.
(3) Not having bad conduct or behavior contrary to good morals.
(4) Not being insane or mentally sick.
(5) Not having been sentenced to imprisonment by final judgment unless committed through carelessness or minor offence.
Section 47. Professors and Special Professors shall be appointed by His Majesty through the advice of the Board of Committee.
Associate Professors, Special Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Special Assistant Professors, shall be appointed by the Rector through the approval of the University Council.
Lecturers and Special Lecturers shall be appointed by the Rector.
Special Professors, Special Associate Professors, Special Assistant Professors and Special Lecturers shall be appointed from those who are not full time faculties of the Private University.
Section 48. Apart from the qualifications and prohibited characteristics as stated in Section 46, the criteria for the appointment of faculties shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Private University which shall not be below the standard set by the Board of Committee.
Retirement from faculty position shall be in accordance with the criteria and procedures prescribed in the regulations of the Private University.
Section 49. A professor with special knowledge, capability and skill who retires without any offence may be appointed Honorary Professor in his specialized field by the University Council.
The qualifications of persons to be appointed Honorary Professor shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Private University.
Section 50. In case of appointment by His Majesty to be Professor, Special Professor, Honorary Professor, Associate Professor, Special Associate Professor, Assistant Professor, and Special Assistant Professor, the appointed persons shall have the right to put the corresponding title before their name to show their academic standing.
Abbreviations for the title before the name according to Paragraph One shall be as follows:
Professor to be abbreviated to Prof.
Special Professor to be abbreviated to Prof. (Special)
Honorary Professor to be abbreviated Prof. (Honorary)
Associate Professor to be abbreviated to Assoc. Prof.
Special Associate Professor to be abbreviated to Assoc. Prof. (Special)
Assistant Professor to be abbreviated to Asst. Prof.
Special Assistant Professor to be abbreviated to Asst. Prof. (Special)
Section 51. When the Rector has appointed any person to the academic title in the Private University in accordance with Sections 45 (2), (3), and (4), he shall notify such appointment to the office of Higher Education Commission within thirty days from date of appointment.
Section 52. No person shall be permanent member of the faculties in more than one Private University.
Section 53. In case of necessity, the Private University shall have Assistant Lecturers.
The appointed Assistant Lecturers shall have the qualifications with no prohibited characteristics in accordance with the provisions of the Private University.
Chapter 4
Degrees and Academic Insignia
Section 54. Degrees shall be of three levels as follows:
First Level called Doctoral Degree abbreviated “D”
Second Level called Master’s Degree abbreviated “M”
Third Level called Bachelor’s Degree abbreviated “B”
The Private University shall teach for the conferment of any level of degrees and for any field of study only after the Minister with the advice of the Board of Committee grants accreditation to that Private University.
Application for certification and accreditation of the Private University shall be in accordance with the criteria, procedures and conditions prescribed by the Ministerial Regulations.
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