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This translation has been provided with the kind assistance of Chaninat & Leeds. Chaninat & Leeds practices both family and business law, including K1 visa Thailand.


(10) To approve academic cooperation or joint cooperation with other academic institutions or other persons in accordance with the regulations as prescribed by the Board of Committee.
(11) To support the Private University to participate in educational management in recruiting domestic and overseas human resources to share their experience, knowledge, skills and intelligence to enhance the quality of graduates.
(12) To approve the acceptance or joint association with domestic or overseas academic institutions in accordance with the regulations as prescribed by the Board of Committee.
(13) To consider the proposal of their opinions to the Board of Committee for the amendments of the Provisions under Section 11 Paragraph 3.
(14) To consider the proposal of their opinions to be presented to His Majesty to appoint or remove professors or special professors.
(15) To appoint and remove rector, honorary professors, and full time faculty members in accordance with Section 97.
(16) To approve the appointment and removal of vice rector or those in equivalent position.
(17) To approve the appointment and removal of Associate Professors, Special Associate Professors, Assistant Professors, and Special Assistant Professors.
(18) To promote and support education or give scholarship to the handicapped and persons with special skills.
(19) To formulate regulations on personnel administration of the Private University with regards to job description, salary scale, wages, compensation, welfare, other fringe benefits, discipline, employment criteria, and termination of employment of executives, faculties, assistant lecturers and staff.
(20) To develop the potential of faculties, personnel, and quality of graduates to respond to the needs of the country.
(21) To promote education, research, training of faculties and personnel to respond to the needs of the community to enhance its economic development.
(22) To promote and support the production of graduates to respond to the needs of entrepreneurs and give academic cooperation between companies and private universities.
(23) To provide quality assurance system in the Private University through the participation of students in their evaluation of university quality in accordance with the regulations of the Private university.
(24) To consider for ways of progress in education, research and training of the Private University to enhance academic quality.
(25) To perform other duties relating to the Private University not specified to be the responsibility of anyone.

Section 35. To comply with this Act, the University Council shall appoint committees or sub-committees of the Private University to carry out any assigned task and report its progress to the University Council and to be enforced mutatis mutandis by Section 33.

Section 36. There shall be an Academic Title Committee of the Private University consisting of:
(1) Chairperson appointed by University Council from University Council members
(2) At least six qualified members from outside the Private universities but not exceeding twelve members.
The Rector shall appoint one faculty member to be secretary of the Committee.
Qualifications, regulations and procedures for the appointment of Academic Title Committee of the Private University as stated in Paragraph One shall be in accordance with the regulations prescribed by the Board of Committee.

Section 37. Members of Academic Title Committee of the Private University in accordance with Section 36 shall hold position for three years but may be reappointed.

Consideration for appointment of members of Academic Title Committee of the Private University who resign before their term expires and also for those whose term expires shall be enforced mutatis mutandis by Section 32 Paragraph Two and Paragraph Four.

Section 38. The Academic Title Committee of the Private University shall have the following powers and duties.
(1) To consider for academic title of faculties in the Private University.
(2) To consider and give decision on the appeals relating to academic title of faculties in the Private University.
(3) To consider for equivalence of academic titles of other Private University into its own system.
The meetings and administration of Academic Title Committee of the Private University as stated in Paragraph One shall be in accordance with the regulations of the Private University.

Section 39. The Private University shall have a rector as its supervisor responsible for the administration of the Private University. There shall be one or more than one Vice Rector responsible for the work assigned by the Rector.

The Vice Rector shall have the qualifications and free from the prohibited characteristics of the Rector and shall be appointed or removed by the Rector with the approval of the University Council.

When the Rector retires from his office, the Vice Rectors shall also retire from their office too.

Section 40. The University Council shall appoint the rector from those who are qualified and who are free from prohibited characteristics as stated in Section 41 and shall notify the Office of Higher Education Commission within fifteen days from date of appointment.

Section 41. The Rector shall have the following qualifications and shall not have the following prohibited characteristics:
(1) Having a bachelor degree or its equivalence and having teaching or administrative experience in educational institution granting bachelor degree or higher for at least five years, or having a Master’s Degree or its equivalence and having teaching or administrative experience in educational institution granting bachelor degree or higher for at least three years or having a Doctoral Degree or its equivalence and having teaching or administrative experience in educational institution granting bachelor degree or higher for at least one year.
(2) Not having the disease as announced by the Minister in the Government Gazette.
(3) Not having bad conduct or contrary to good morals.
(4) Not being insane or mentally sick.
(5) Never having been dismissed from work or government service due to an offence unless the Minister decides that such offence is not against being rector.
(6) Not having been sentenced to imprisonment by final judgment unless committed through negligence or minor offence.
(7) Not being bankrupt.

Section 42. In case the Rector shall not be able to perform his duties, the Vice Rector shall act in his stead. If there are several Vice-Rectors, the one who is assigned by the Rector to act in his place shall be the acting Rector. If no Vice Rector is assigned, the most senior vice Rector shall be the Acting Rector.
In case of absence of the Rector or there shall be no acting Rector as stated in Paragraph One or if there were one who could not perform his duties, the University Council shall appoint a qualified person free from prohibited characteristics as stated in Section 41 to be the acting Rector.

The Acting Rector shall have the power and responsibilities in all respects as the Rectors.

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