Thailand Law Forum Thailand Law Forum


In-between the annual governmental workshops, one of' the major activities carried out to date has been to organize inter-sessional or sub-regional workshops linked with one or the pillars. In 2000 these activities were the subject of an evaluation carried out by this author from the angle of their impact and effec­tiveness. While the annual workshops were felt to be useful, the "in-between" activities had more varied impact. Challenges included the lack of follow-up and evaluation, and inadequate space for participation from stakeholders other the Governments. At times those participating at the governmental level were not of high enough rank to have real impact, and some of the relevant agencies and personnel had not been brought on board.

The above evaluation then led to some adjustments, e.g. to undertake fewer activities but aim for more sustainability. One of the results of the evaluation was that subsequently, the annual workshops opened the door to the presence of civil society, particularly NGOs, and national human rights commissions. Now the workshops are preceded by informal pre-sessional forums for civil society together with national human rights commissions, and the inputs from these pre-sessionals are then conveyed to the governmental plenary workshop.

1) Activities
In retrospect, the main activities related to those pillars supported by the OHCHR in the 2000-2004 were as follows: per Table I:


A) National Human Rights Institutions:

a). Support and participation of the OHCHR in the 5th Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Forum of National Human Rights Insti­tutions (APF), Rotorua/ New Zealand, August 2000;
b). Regional workshops in collaboration with the APF and the host human rights institution:

i). Workshop on the role of national human rights institutions in advancing the rights of women, Fiji, May 2000,
ii). . Workshop on national human rights institutions and economic, social and cultural rights, Manila, November 2000.
a). Support and participation of the OHCHR in the 6th Annual Meet­ing of the APF, Sri Lanka, September 2001;
b). Regional Workshop in collaboration with the APF and the host human rights institution: Workshop on the Role of National Human Rights Institutions and other Mechanisms in Promoting and Protecting Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, Hong Kong, July 2001;
c). OHCHR provision of advice to various countries.
a). Support and participation of the OHCHR in the 7'' Annual Meeting of the APF, New Delhi, November 2002;
b). Regional Workshop in collaboration with the APF and the host human rights institution:
             i). Regional Workshop on National Human Rights Institutions, Human Rights Education , Media and Racism, Sydney, July 2002;
              ii). Asia-Pacific Regional Training Programme in Human Rights Investigations, Canberra, November 2002.
c). Training Programme for national human rights institutions in Asia, Bangkok, October-November 2002, in cooperation with Swedish support;
d). OHCHR provision of advice to various countries.
- OHCHR cooperation with the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and International Labour Organization (ILO) on a project concerning the application of human rights principles in the informal sector and a rights-based evaluation of the Philippines Commission on Human Rights;
- OHCHR cooperation with the APF on training on investigation techniques for the Sri Lankan Human Rights Commission.


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