Thailand Law Forum Thailand Law Forum


B) National Human Rights Action Plans

a). Inter-sessional Regional Workshop on national human rights action plans, Bangkok, July 1999,
b). Inter-sessional sub-regional Workshop on national plans of action for human rights education, Tokyo, January 2000.

o Sub-regional Inter-sessional North-east Asia workshop on Parliamentarians and Human Rights, Ulaanbaatar/Mongolia, August 2000.

a). Production of handbook on National Human Rights Action Plans
b). OHCHR cooperation with UNDP on development of human rights action plans in Mongolia, Nepal, New Zealand and Jordan.

o Inter-sessional Expert Meeting on National Human Rights Action

Plans and Human Rights Education in the Asia-Pacific Region, Bangkok, October 2004.
C) Human Rights Education:

 - Sub-regional Inter-sessional workshop on human rights education in North-east Asia, Seoul, December 1999.

a). Sub-regional workshop on human rights treaties and related ratification, Majuro/Marshall Islands 2001;
b). Launch of OHCHR database on human rights education information;
c). The Asian Human Rights Education Trainers Colloquium organised by the Asian Resource Centre for Human Rights Education (ARRC) in relation to popular education methodologies, Chiengmai/ Thailand, April 2001.

a). Sub-regional Workshop for the Pacific Islands on human rights education and the Administration of Justice, Fiji, June 2002;
b). OHCHR cooperation with UNDP in Cambodia on a project linking health and human rights in relation to HIV/AIDS;
c). OHCHR cooperation with UNDP on the development of a human rights approach in Lebanon.
Human rights education and training activities in various countries
under the Assisting Communities Together (ACT) which supports civil society activities.
- Sub-regional Workshop on human rights education in the Gulf States, Doha, February 2004.
D) Economic, Social and, Cultural Rights and the Right to Development:
a). Sub-regional Workshop for Judges on the Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in South Asia, New Delhi, 2001;
b). Sub-regional Workshop for Judges and Lawyers on the Justiciability of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in North-east Asia, Ulaanhaatar/Mongolia, January 2004
- Sub-regional Workshop for Judges and Lawyers on the Justiciabil­ity of Economic, Social and Cultural Rights in South-east Asia, Manila, November 2004.


Chaninat & Leeds, a Thailand attorney firm has provided support in acquiring materials for the Thailand Law Forum. Bangkok lawyers at Chaninat & Leeds have also assisted with translation of Thai language materials.For any submissions, comments, or questions, e-mail the Thailand Law Forum at: Please read our Disclaimer.

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