The key questions to investigate are: What rights do asylum seeking, refugee and stateless
children have in Thailand under international, regional and bi-lateral law? What domestic
laws are in place to meet their international, regional and bi-lateral obligations? What do
those who have worked with or lived with the target populations feel about their rights and
protection? What changes in law or implementation could be made in order for Thailand to
meet its obligations?
The second and third chapter will comprise a documentary analysis of the law. The second
chapter will describe relevant international, regional and bi-lateral law by examining the
original documents applicable to Thailand, focusing on the provisions directly relevant to the
target populations, their rights and protection. International mechanisms will be examined to
establish the monitoring and evaluation that Thailand are subjected to regarding the treaties
to which they are a member. Finally secondary sources will be explored. This chapter will
establish the rights and protection afforded to the target populations under international,
regional and bi-lateral law.
The third chapter will analyse the domestic law relevant to the rights and protection covered
in the second chapter. This will be done by analysing English translations of the original
documents, focusing on the provisions presented in chapter two. Any pertinent case law will be explored. Finally any relevant secondary sources will be presented. This chapter will
establish the extent to which domestic law in Thailand is meeting its international, regional
and bi-lateral obligations.
The fourth chapter will primarily comprise empirical research. Four interviews with Burmese
refugees living in Malaysia, who passed through or lived in Thailand, conducted in person by
this author prior to beginning this study shall contribute. Three interviews with experts in the
field, conducted for the purpose of this study will be of primary consideration. These
interviews were conducted via Skype or email. They will be presented in a positivist manner
as they seek to provide an accurate report of experiences and feelings of those working with
the communities.102 During the interviews direct research questions were not asked and the
interviews were conducted in a more informal pattern, allowing the interviewee to set the
pace and minimize the degree to which their answers were affected or influenced by the
questions.103 Questions asked to the interviewees included inter alia: Do you believe that
asylum seeking, refugee and stateless children are treated equally as other children in
Thailand? What assistance or help has the Thai government provided for these children?
And: If you could change the law in Thailand, what would you change?Secondary sources
will be used to supplement, support or challenge claims from the collated interviews.
The final chapter will summarise the findings, conclusively answer the questions of this
study and present recommendations, if needed, with the aim of allowing Thailand to better
meet its international, regional and bi-lateral obligations. An analysis of the adequacy of the data, methods employed and concepts used in this study will also be presented.
The following chapter will describe the relevant international, regional and bi-lateral law.
This section will establish the rights of the target populations, as well as the protection from
trafficking under international, regional and bi-lateral law. Family rights and parental rights
will not be explored in this study, neither will group rights or rights of association. Rights
directly of the child, applicable to all children of the target populations that are the sole
responsibility of the Thai government, will be explored.
This section will look at three different kinds of rights: Absolute rights, those which allow for
no exceptions,104 qualified rights, rights which are subject to limitations or qualifications105
and derogable rights, rights that allow for a "lessening or restriction of the authority, strength,
or power of a law, right or obligation"106 in times of public emergency.107
With regard to protection from trafficking this study will focus on provisions directly
concerning the children. Provisions regarding training of officials, national plans and
dissemination of materials or awareness raising will not be covered.108 Provisions concerning
cooperation between States, repatriation and reintegration of trafficking victims will not be
covered as this study will examine provisions that are the sole responsibility of the Thai Government, including preventative measures, protection and judicial proceedings.109
Rights within the ICCPR pertinent to the target populations: Absolute rights include inter
alia the right to life (this is not an absolute right for adults, but pursuant to Article 6(5)110 it
becomes an absolute right when applied to children), freedom from torture,111 freedom from
slavery,112 recognition before the law,113 freedom of thought, conscience and religion.114
Derogable rights include inter alia freedom from arbitrary arrest,115 juvenile accused to be
separated from adults,116 judicial rights,117 right to privacy,118 right to be registered after birth
and acquire a nationality,119 right to equal protection of the law120 and the freedom of expression.121
Non-derogable, qualified rights, rights which may not be derogated from but are subject to
limitations or qualifications include inter alia right to manifest one's religious beliefs122 and
freedom from forced labour.123 All of the rights in the ICCPR mentioned above apply equally to both nationals and non-nationals, as confirmed by the HRC.124
The implementation of the ICCPR is monitored by the HRC via periodic reports.125
Thailand's first report was due in 1998, but submitted in 2004.126 The HRC expressed
concern regarding inter alia Articles 2,127 7,128 8,129 10,130 and 24131 concerning asylum
seekers, refugees, stateless people and children's rights.132 Thailand did not respond to the
HRC's concerns, as other nations have done.133 Thailand's second report was due on 1 August
2009 but has not been submitted.134
Concerning Derogations: On 16 July 2005 a state of emergency was declared in Thailand.
The HRC expressed concern as no specific limits were placed upon derogations and thus did
not fully comply with Article 4 of the Covenant.135
Regarding the ICESCR, absolute rights pertinent to the target populations include inter alia: right to social security136 and the right to be protected from economic and social
exploitation.137 Qualified rights include inter alia right to an adequate standard of living138
and right to an education139 (Article 14 obliges States to achieve free primary education for
all within a reasonable number years but there is no set time limit.)140
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) monitors the
implementation of the ICESCR via periodic State reports.141 Thailand's first report was due in
June 2002 but submitted in August 2012.142 The CESCR is yet to respond to the report.143 |