UK Law
UK Coroners and Justice Act 2009
UN Documents
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Centre against International Human Trafficking Office of the Attorney General, 'Sareut
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the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of health (art. 24)' UN Doc CRC/C/GC/15
(17 April 2013)
Committee on the Rights of the Child, 'Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of
the Child: List of issues concerning additional and updated information related to the
consideration of the third and fourth combined periodic report of Thailand (CRC/C/THA/3-
4)' 59th Session UN Doc CRC/C/THA/Q/3-4 (27 October 2011)
Committee on the Rights of the Child, 'Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of
the Child: List of issues concerning additional and updated information related to the third
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at: <> accessed
31 July 2014
UN Resolutions
Question of the establishment, in accordance with the Convention on the Reduction of
Statelessness, of a body to which persons claiming the benefit of the Convention may apply,
UNGA Res 3274 (10 December 1974) 2311th Plenary meeting Statute of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, UNGA Res
428(V) (14 December 1950) 325th Plenary meeting
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UNGA Res 50/152 (9 February 1996) UN Doc A/RES/50/152
UNGA Res 67/149 (6 March 2013) UN Doc A/RES/67/149
UNGA Res 68/141 (28 January 2014) UN Doc A/RES/68/141
UNHRC Res 22/14 (10 April 2013) UN Doc A/HRC/RES/22/14
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International Labour Organization, 'Search Comments by the Supervisory Bodies'
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The Bali Process, 'About the Bali Process' <> accessed 09 June
The Bali Process, 'Ad Hoc Group' <> accessed 10
July 2014
The Bali Process, 'Regional Cooperation Framework' <> accessed 30 July 2014 |