Thailand Law Forum Thailand Law Forum


[FNa1]. BA 2004, University of Pennsylvania; JD Candidate 2007, The University of Chicago.

[FN1]. Joseph Kahn, Bush and Hu Vow New Cooperation, NY Times A1 (Apr 21, 2006).

[FN2]. Id.

[FN3]. Sun Tzu, The Art of War ch 3, axiom 2 (Hodder & Stoughton 1981) (J. Clavell, ed).

[FN4]. See, for example, Eric Teo Chu Cheow, New Challenges for Building an East Asian Community, 5.2 China Brief ง  8 (Jan 18, 2005), available online at < id=3201&article_id=2369111> (visited Jan 15, 2007) (discussing the importance of ASEAN Plus Three in the "pan-East Asian regional framework"). See also M. Ulric Killion, Chinese Regionalism and the 2004 ASEAN-China Accord: The WTO and Legalized Trade Distortion, 31 NC J Intl L & Comm Reg 1, 49 (2005) (stating, in the context of regional security, "The region known as the Asia-Pacific does not include South Asia (India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka), or Southwest Asia (the Arab Peninsula, Iraq, and Iran). Instead, the Asia-Pacific refers to the region comprising East Asia and Southeast Asia.").

[FN5]. Cheow, 5.2 China Brief ง ง  7, 9 (cited in note 4).

[FN6]. Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner, The New Wave of Regionalism, 53 Intl Org 589, 591-92 (1999).

[FN7]. See Seung Park, The Asian Economy in the 21st Century, Korea Economic Institute and Brookings Institution Invitational Lecture (Sept 26, 2005), available online at <http://> (visited Jan 15, 2007) (noting expert forecasts that the Asian economy will surpass the economies of North America and Europe in terms of scale).

[FN8]. Ong Keng Yong, Leadership Challenges in the 21st Century Southeast Asia: Regional Integration, Competitiveness and Community Building, Opening Address at the ASEAN Leadership Forum ง  28 (Mar 22, 2004), available online at <> (visited Jan 15, 2007).

[FN9]. Some groups that will not be discussed in depth but are worth mentioning include Australia and New Zealand, which strengthened economic cooperation through the Australia New Zealand Closer Economic Trade Relations Agreement ("ANZCERTA"); the CLMV grouping comprised of Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam--a subset of ASEAN membership; and JACIK, which includes ASEAN Plus Three as well as India.

[FN10]. APEC has twenty-one "Member Economies": Australia; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Chile; People's Republic of China; Hong Kong, China; Indonesia; Japan; Republic of Korea; Malaysia; Mexico; New Zealand; Papua New Guinea; Peru; The Republic of the Philippines; The Russian Federation; Singapore; Chinese Taipei; Thailand; US; and Vietnam. For more information, see About APEC, available online at <> (visited Jan 15, 2007).

[FN11]. See Thomas C. Fischer, A Commentary on Regional Institutions inthe Pacific Rim: Do APEC and ASEAN Still Matter?, 13 Duke J Comp & Intl L 337, 343 (2003) ("APEC clearly has influence, so it would be wrong to treat it as less than a de facto organization.").

[FN12]. Harold Dichter, Legal Implications of an Asia-Pacific Economic Grouping, 16 U Pa J Intl Bus L 99, 126-27 (1995).

[FN13]. Id at 128-29.

[FN14]. Fischer, 13 Duke J Comp & Intl L at 343 (cited in note 11).

[FN15]. Id at 345.

[FN16]. Id at 346.

[FN17]. Id at 345.

[FN18]. Dichter, 16 U Pa J Intl Bus L at 130 (cited in note 12).

[FN19]. Lay Hong Tan, Will ASEAN Economic Integration Progress beyond a Free Trade Area?, 53 Intl & Comp L Q 935 (2004).

[FN20]. Id at 938.

[FN21]. See Dichter, 16 U Pa J Intl Bus L at 135 (cited in note 12)  (stating that AFTA, as a "manifestation of the desire to create Asian alternatives to the regional trading blocs which are developing around the world and a response to the threat of regionalism posed by the [EU] and NAFTA," "serves as an institutional framework upon which others might build.").

[FN22]. Fischer, 13 Duke J Comp & Intl L at 353 (cited in note 11).

[FN23]. Tan, 53 Intl & Comp L Q at 961 (cited in note 19).

[FN24]. Byung-Woon Lyou, Building the Northeast Asian Community, 11 Ind J Global Legal Studies 257, 303 (2004).

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