Thailand Law Forum Thailand Law Forum


Thailand Law Journal 2009 Spring Issue 1 Volume 12

FNa1. Statistically significant at the .10 level;                            
FNaa1. at the .05 level;                                                      
FNaaa1. at the .01 level.                                                    

 Table 6. Tobit Estimates of Training Intensity, Full Sample, 1998-2001.    

  (dependent variables: OJT and OFFJT intensity; bootstrapped standard errors 

                       [50 replications] in parentheses)                      

                 Years of Education Treated as     Testing for Exogeneity of  

                           Exogenous                       Education          

                 ------------------------------  ------------------------------
Variable              OJT            OFFJT            OJT            OFFJT    

Sex                  -0.433         0.549***         0.540          0.709**    

                     (.353)          (.157)          (.994)          (.304)    

Age                  0.794           0.616*          1.420           0.695*    

                     (.756)          (.320)          (.939)          (.424)    

Age2               -0.029          -0.016          -0.046          -0.018    

                     (.023)          (.010)          (.031)          (.013)    

Age3 * 10         0.002           0.001           0.004           0.001    

                     (.002)          (.001)          (.003)          (.001)    

Tenure in 1998  0.083           0.036*          0.086           0.034    

                (.066)          (.022)          (.067)          (.022)    

Previous          -0.176***         -0.009        -0.166***         -0.009    

  Experience in                                                                


                     (.060)          (.018)          (.063)          (.015)    

Education        -0.572***        0.145***        -1.186*          0.037    

                     (.066)          (.023)          (.615)          (.190)    

First Step             --              --            0.608           0.104    


                                                            (.638)          (.199)    

Observations    5,374           5,506           5,316           5,446    

   Notes: See notes to Table 5.


This article is published with the kind permission of Jakkrit Kuanpoth, Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Law, University of Wollongong, Australia. This article originally appeared in the Intellectual Property and International Trade Law Forum Special Issue 2007 10th Anniversary.

Chaninat & Leeds, a Thailand attorney firm has provided support in acquiring materials for the Thailand Law Forum. Bangkok lawyers at Chaninat & Leeds have also assisted with translation of Thai language materials.For any submissions, comments, or questions, e-mail the Thailand Law Forum at: Please read our Disclaimer.

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