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13 January 2010

The Statistics Act , B.E. 2550 (2007)

Bhumibol Adulyadej , Rex.
Given on the 30th day of August , B.E. 2550;
Being the 62th Year of the Present Reign.

Authorized Official Translation

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej has been graciously pleased to proclaim that:

Whereas it is expedient to revise the law on statistics:

Be it , therefore , enacted by the King , by and with the advice and consent of the National Legislative Assembly , as follows:
Section 1 This act shall be called the "Statistics Act, B.E 2007"

Section 2 This act shall come into force from the day following the date of its publication in the Government Gazette.

Section 3 The Statistics Act BE 2508 shall be repealed.

Section 4 In this Act:

"Statistics" mean statements or figures of collected data "Survey" means collection of existing data to obtain statistics
"Census" means survey by means of enumeration from all units relevant to such information.

"Sample Survey" means survey by means of enumeration from some selected sample units relevant to such information

"Agency" means government agencies, state enterprises, public organizations, local administration organizations and other state agencies.

"Director" means the Director of the National Statistics Office.

"Competent officer" means a person appointed by the Director to carry out this Act.

Section 5 The National Statistics Office shall be the central state agency in charge of the technical statistics work.

Section 6 The National Statistics Office shall have the following authority and duties:
(1) Preparing the Master Plan for the implementation of the government statistical work.
(2) Preparing statistics standards to present to the cabinet for approval.
(3) Promoting and developing statistical work both for the government and private sector.
(4) Conducting census and surveys or directing the surveys on various statistics of the country.
(5) Coordinating and consulting with agencies to prepare plans that define the responsibilities in implementing the statistical work under the Master Plan as mentioned in (1).
(6) Providing recommendations, advice or assistance to agencies regarding the preparation of work plans and methodology for data collection as well as processing and analyzing statistical outcomes.
(7) Coordinating with agencies to create statistical network in order to obtain important and timely statistical database of the country
(8) Providing statistical service to the general public.
(9) Disseminating statistics and organizing education and training on statistics.
(10) Cooperating and coordinating with other countries and international organizations regarding statistical work.
(11)Performing other acts as prescribed by the law and as assigned by the cabinet.

Section 7 For the preparation of the Master Plan under Section 6 (1), the National Statistics Office shall coordinate with relevant agencies and prepare the plan in such a way that it is consistent with the national policy and development plan. Once it is approved by the cabinet, relevant agencies shall follow the Master Plan.

Section 8 Agencies shall prepare their statistics in accordance with the plan defining the responsibilities under section 6 (5), and shall ensure that they meet statistical standards.

In the event that any agency fails to perform according to paragraph one, the National Statistics Office shall report to the cabinet for instructions as it is deemed appropriate.

Section 9 When a census or sample survey is going to be conducted and specified that individual’s duty to provide data. It should be announced in the related Ministerial Regulations .Such announcement shall have at least the following information:

(1) Objective
(2) Duration of survey
(3) Area where survey will be conducted
(4) Individuals who will provide information and the methods of providing information
(5) responsible agency

Section 10 When Ministerial Regulations is set under section 9, the Director announces details on the procedures in conducting a census or sample survey regarding the following;

(1) data collecting methods
(2) questions for the respondents or details of the questionnaire as well as instructions for filling out the questionnaire.
(3) The period during which the competent officer shall conduct interviews or send questionnaires.
(4) The period during which the respondents shall return the completed questionnaire to the competent officer.
(5) Other information that the public should know.

The notification under paragraph one shall be made in the Government Gazette and on electronic network systems or other media.

Section 11 When the notification under Section 10 is issued, the individual required to provide information under Section 9(4) shall have the duty to provide information or fill out the questionnaire as described in Section 10(2) correctly and truthfully.

Section 12 When the notification under Section 10 is made, the competent officer be authorized to enter the building or workplace of the person required to provide information or fill out questionnaire between sunrise and sunset or at any other time as notified by the said person in order to make inquiries about the information or fill out the questionnaire, or to check the accuracy of the information. To this end, the said person shall accommodate the competent official as appropriate.

In performing the duty under paragraph one, the competent officer shall present an ID card to relevant parties. The ID card shall be in the format prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations

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