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We wish to thank Chaninat & Leeds a law firm headed by a US lawyer in Bangkok for their assistance in the development of the content of Thailand Law Forum.


Section 7 Whoever commits any of the following acts, shall be punished likewise as the offender of an offence of trafficking in
(1) supporting the commission of an offence of trafficking in persons;
(2) aiding by contributing property, procuring a meeting place or lodge, for the offender of trafficking in persons;
(3) assisting by any means so that the offender of trafficking in persons may not be arrested;
(4) demanding, accepting, or agreeing to accept a property or any other benefit in order to help the offender of trafficking in persons
not to be punished;
(5) inducing, suggesting or contacting a person to become a member of the organized criminal group, for the purpose of committing
an offence of trafficking in persons.

Section 8 Whoever prepares to commit an offence as aforesaid by Section 6, shall be liable to one-third of the punishment
stipulated for such offence.

Section 9 Whoever, from two persons upwards, conspires to commit an offence as aforesaid by Section 6 shall be liable to no more
than one-half of the punishment stipulated for such offence.

If any one of the offenders in paragraph one has committed in furtherance of the conspiratorial objective, each member of the
conspiracy shall be liable, as an additional count, for the punishment stipulated for the committed offence.

In case the commission of an offence is carried out up to the stage of commencement, but because of the intervention of any
conspirator, the offence cannot be carried through, or the offence is carried through but does not achieve its end, the conspirator so
intervening is liable to the punishment as stipulated in paragraph one.

If the offender, under paragraph one, reverses his position by providing a true statement in relation to the conspiracy to the
competent official before the conspired offence is committed, the court may not inflict punishment or inflict less punishment upon such person to any extent than that prescribed by the law for such offence.

Section 10 In case where an offence stipulated in Section 6 is accrued by the commission of person as from three persons upwards or of the member of an organized criminal group, such offenders shall be liable to heavier punishment than that prescribed in the law by one-half.

Whenever an offence provided in Section 6 is committed by any member of an organized criminal group, everyone being the member of such organized criminal group at the time of the commission of such offence, knowing and conniving at such commission, shall be liable to the
punishment prescribed for such offence, even though he has not personally committed such offence.

If an offence under paragraph one is committed in order that the trafficked person taken into or sent out of the Kingdom to be under
the power of the other person unlawfully, the offender shall be liable to twice of the punishment prescribed for such offence.

Section 11 Whoever commits an offence mentioned in Section 6 outside the Kingdom shall be liable for the punishment stipulated in this Act in the Kingdom. The provision of Section 10 of the Penal Code shall apply mutatis mutandis.

Section 12 Whoever commits the offences under this Act by professing himself to be an official and exercising the functions of an
official without being an official having the power to do so, shall be liable to twice the punishment stipulated for such offence.

Section 13 Whoever, in the capacity as a member of the House of Representatives, member of the Senate, member of a Local
Administration Council, Local Administrator, Government Official, employee of the Local Administration Organization, or employee of an
organization or a public agency, member of a board, executive, or employee of state enterprise, an official, or member of a board of any
organization under the Constitution, commits an offence under this Act shall be liable to twice the punishment stipulated for such offence.

Any member of the Committee, member of Sub-Committee, member of any working group and competent official empowered to act
in accordance with this Act, committing an offence under this Act, shall be liable to thrice the punishment stipulated for such offence.

Section 14 All offences under this Act shall be predicate offences under the Anti-Money Laundering Act, B.E. 2542 (1999).

Anti-Trafficking in Persons Committee

Section 15 There shall be an Anti-Trafficking in Persons Committee to be called "ATP Committee" in brief, consisting of the Prime Minister as chairman, the Deputy Prime Minister, who acts as Chairman of the CMP Committee, as vice chairman, the Minister of Defense, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, the Minister of Tourism and Sports, the Minister of Social Development and Human Security, the Minister of Interior, the Minister of Justice, the Minister of Labour, and four qualified persons appointed by the Prime Minister from experts who have had no less than seven years demonstrable professional experiences in the fields of prevention, suppression, rehabilitation and international
cooperation on the issues of trafficking in persons, one from each field, provided that not less than one half appointed from the private sector, as members, and the Permanent Secretary for Social Development and Human Security shall be the secretary and the Director-General of the
Department of Social Development and Welfare and the Director-General of the Office of Welfare Promotion, Protection and Empowerment of Vulnerable Groups shall be the assistant secretaries.

No less than one half of the qualified members in paragraph one must be female.

Section 16 The Committee shall have powers and duties as follows:
(1) to make recommendations to the Cabinet concerning the policy on prevention and suppression of trafficking in persons;
(2) to make recommendations to the Cabinet on the revision of laws, rules, regulations or the restructuring of any governmental agency responsible for the prevention and suppression of trafficking in person to enable a more effective implementation of this Act;
(3) to lay down strategies and measures for the prevention and suppression of trafficking in person;
(4) to prescribe guidelines and monitor the implementation of international obligations, including cooperating and coordinating with
foreign bodies in relation to the prevention and suppression of trafficking in persons;
(5) to direct and supervise the arrangements of study or research projects and the development of an integrated data base system
for the benefit of prevention and suppression of trafficking in persons;
(6) to issue regulations relating to the registration of a nongovernmental organization with a view to preventing and suppressing of
trafficking in person, and to prescribe rules for assistance such organization in carrying out its activities;
(7) to lay down rules, with the consent of the Ministry of Finance, concerning the receipt, payment, keeping, fund raising and the
management of Fund;
(8) to lay down rules concerning the report on financial status and the administration of the Fund for the purpose of implementing
this Act;
(9) to give instruction and supervise the performance of duties of the CMP Committee.
(10) to perform any other acts as entrusted by the Cabinet.

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