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Ministerial Regulations No. 23 (B.E. 2542)

Issued under the Patent Act B.E. 2522

By virtue of Section 4 of the Patent Act B.E. 2522 and Section 42 of the Patent Act (No.3) B.E. 2542, the Minister of Commerce hereby issues the Ministerial Regulations as follows:

Clause 1 The Ministerial Regulations No. 12 (B.E. 2535) issued under the Patent Act B.E. 2522 shall be repealed.

Clause 2 The fees shall be as follows:

(1) An application for a patent for an

1,000 Baht

(2) An application for a patent for a design

500 Baht

  An application for a petty patent

500 Baht

(3) Applications for design patents for the same design which are filed at the same time in a number of ten or more applications

4,500 Baht

(4) Publication of a patent application

500 Baht

(5) A request for patent examination

500 Baht

(6) An opposition to a patent application

500 Baht

(7) A patent or petty patent

1,000 Baht

(8) Annual fees for invention patents:
  Fifth year

2,000 Baht

  Sixth year

2,400 Baht

  Seventh year

3,200 Baht

  Eighth year

4,400 Baht

  Ninth year

6,000 Baht

  Tenth year

8,000 Baht

  Eleventh year

14,000 Baht

  Twelfth year

13,200 Baht

  thirteenth year

16,400 Baht

  fourteenth year

20,000 Baht

  fifteenth year

24,000 Baht

  sixteenth year

28,400 Baht

  seventeenth year

33,200 Baht

  eighteenth year

38,400 Baht

  nineteenth year

44,000 Baht

  twentieth year

50,000 Baht

  or payment of all annual fees in one payment

280,000 Baht

(9) Annual fees for design patents:
  fifth year

1,000 Baht

  sixth year

1,300 Baht

  seventh year

1,900 Baht

  eighth year

2,800 Baht

  ninth year

4,000 Baht

  tenth year

5,500 Baht

  or payment of all annual fees in one payment

15,000 Baht

(10) Annual fees for petty patents:
  fifth year

1,500 Baht

  sixth year

3,000 Baht

  or payment of all annual fees in one payment

4,000 Baht

(11) Fees for the extension of the term of petty patents:
  first extension

12,000 Baht

  second extension

18,000 Baht

(12) An application for the registration of a license

500 Baht

(13) An application to record the assignment of a patent or petty patent

500 Baht

(14) An application for conversion of a patent or petty patent

200 Baht

(15) A licensing certificate

1,000 Baht

(16) A substitute of a patent, petty patent or licensing certificate

100 Baht

(17) An appeal against an order or decision of the Director-General

1,000 Baht

(18) Certifying copies of documents
  of more than ten pages, each document

100 Baht

  of not more than ten pages, each page

10 Baht

(19) Any other application

100 Baht

For the purpose of this Clause, “ applications for design patents for the same design which are filed at the same time in a number of ten or more applications” refer to applications for design patents for designs with identical main features and different minor features.

Main features refer to design features with apparently distinctive characteristics.

Minor features refer to design features without apparently distinctive characteristics.

Clause 3 The annual fees prescribed in these Ministerial Regulations shall be applicable to the patents granted before the entry into force of the Patent Act (No.3) B.E. 2542 until the expiration of the terms of such patents.

Given on September 24, 1999

(sign) Paitoon Kaewtong

(Mr.Paitoon Kaewtong)

Deputy Minister of Commerce

Acting for the Minister of Commerce

Part 11

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