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Article 13
Conflicting Requests

1. Where requests are received from two or more States for the extradition of the same person either for the same offence or for different offences, the Requested Party shall determine to which of those States the person is to be extradited and shall notify those States of its decision.

2. In determining to which State a person is to be extradited, the Requested Party shall have regard to all the relevant circumstances and, in particular, to:
(a) if the requests relate to different offences, the relative seriousness of those offences;
(b) the time and place of commission of each offence;
(c) the respective dates of the requests;
(d) the nationality of the person sought; and
(e) the ordinary place of residence of the person.

Article 14

1. The Requested Party shall, as soon as a decision on the request for extradition has been made, communicate that decision to the Requesting Party through the diplomatic channel. Reasons shall be given for any complete or partial refusal of a request for extradition.

2. The Requested Party shall agree on the time and place of the surrender of the person sought to the appropriate authorities of the Requesting Party in the territory of the Requested Party.

3. The Requesting Party shall remove the person from the territory of the Requested Party within such reasonable period as the Requested Parry specifies and, if the person is not removed within that period, the Requested Party may set that person at liberty and may refuse extradition for the same offence.

4. If circumstances beyond its control prevent a Contracting Party from surrendering or removing the person to be extradited, it shall notify the other Contracting Party. The two Contracting Parties shall mutually decide upon a new date of surrender or removal, and the provisions of paragraph 3 of this Article shall apply.

Article 15
Surrender of Property

1. To the extent permitted under the laws of the Requested Party and subject to the rights of third parties, which shall be duly respected, all property found in the territory of the Requested Party that has been acquired as a result of the offence or may be required as evidence shall, if the Requesting Parry so requests, be surrendered if extradition is granted.

2. Subject to paragraph 1 of this Article, the above-mentioned property shall, if the Requesting Party so requests, be surrendered to the Requesting Parry even if the extradition cannot be carried out owing to the death or escape of person sought.

3. Where the laws of the Requested Party or the rights of third parties so require, any property so surrendered shall be returned to the Requested Party free of charge if that Party so requests.

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