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Section 19. A limited company which fails to distribute the dividend under Section 1201 or 1202 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding twenty thousand Baht.

Any money which is distributed to any shareholder as the company shareholders, except money paid for a call, shall be deemed as the dividend under this Section.

Section 20. A limited company which fails to make a notice of any dividend that may have been declared under Section 1204 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding twenty thousand Baht.

Section 21. A limited company which fails to offer its new shares to the shareholders under Section 1222 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding twenty thousand Baht.

Section 22. A limited company which fails to publish in newspaper, or sends to all creditors, a notice for proposal to reduce its capital under Section 1226 paragraph one of the Civil and Commercial Code, or fails to proceed with the reduction of its capital under Section1226 paragraph three of the Civil and Commercial Code, shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 23. A limited company which fails to issue the debentures under Section 1229 of the Civil and Commercial Code, shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 24. A limited company which fails to publish in newspapers, or send to all creditors, a notice for amalgamation under Section 1240 paragraph one of the Civil and Commercial Code, or fails to proceed with the amalgamation of limited company under Section1240 paragraph three of the Civil and Commercial Code, shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 25. In the case where a limited company commits an offence under Section 7 to Section 24, a director or any person who is responsible for the carrying out of business of such limited company shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 26. A director of a limited company who fails to send the Registrar a copy of the list of all persons who are shareholders and those who have ceased to be shareholders under Section 1139 paragraph two of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding ten thousand Baht.

Section 27. A director of a limited company who fails to summon the extraordinary meeting under Section 1172 paragraph two or Section 1174 paragraph one of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding twenty thousand Baht.

Section 28. A director of a limited company who fails:

(1) to send a copy of a balance-sheet to the Registrar under Section 1199 paragraph two of the Civil and Commercial Code;

(2) to keep an account under Section 1206 of the Civil and Commercial Code; or (3) to provide a minute of all proceeding and resolutions of meeting, or to keep the book of record under Section 1207 of the Civil and Commercial Code, shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 29. A limited company which fails to make the notice inviting the shareholders to subscribe for its new shares under Section 1223 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding twenty thousand Baht.

Section 30. A shareholder who accepts or agrees to accept the special benefit for himself or herself or for other persons in response of his voting or abstaining in the general meeting of a limited company shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding ten thousand Baht.

Any person who gives or promises to give the special benefit to the shareholders in response of his or her voting or abstaining in the general meeting of a limited company shall be liable to the same penalty.

Section 31. An auditor of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who certifies an incorrect balance-sheet or account, or makes false report, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to a fine for not exceeding twenty thousand Baht, or to both.

Section 32. A liquidator of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who fails to comply with Section 1253 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding eighty thousand Baht.

Section 33. A liquidator of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who fails to register under Section 1254, Section 1258, Section 1262 or Section 1270 paragraph two of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 34. A liquidator of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who fails to apply to the Court under Section 1266 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 35. A liquidator of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who fails:

(1) to make a balance-sheet or summon the general meeting under Section 1255 of the Civil and Commercial Code;

(2) to make or open the report under Section 1267 of the Civil and Commercial Code;

(3) to make the report, summon the general meeting, or give explanation relating to the affairs of the partnership or company under Section 1270 paragraph one of the Civil and Commercial Code; or (4) to deposit an account and documents under Section 1271 paragraph one of the Civil and Commercial Code, shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 36. A liquidator of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who fails to summon the general meeting, make a report, or give an explanation of details under Section 1268 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding ten thousand Baht.

Section 37. A liquidator of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who fails to divide properties of the partnership or the company under Section 1269 of the Civil and Commercial Code shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding twenty thousand Baht.

Section 38. A director or a liquidator of the limited company who, in bad faith, makes false statement or conceal the truth relating to financial status of the company to the general meeting shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding fifty thousand Baht.

Section 39. Any person having responsibility in the carrying out of business of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who takes away, causes damage, destroys, vitiates, or renders useless of property in which such juristic person pledge to the pledgee, and such act cause damage to the pledgee, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to a fine for not exceeding sixty thousand Baht, or to both.

Section 40. Any person having responsibility in the carrying out of business of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who knows whether the creditor of such juristic person, or the creditor of other persons performing as the creditor of such juristic person, institute or is going to institute his or her claim to the Court, and, with an intention to cause damage to the creditor:

(1) move, conceal, or transfer to other persons of property of such juristic person; or (2) make such juristic person to have unreal obligation, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years, or to a fine for not exceeding sixty thousand Baht, or to both.

Section 41. Any person having responsibility for the carrying out of business of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company who, for unlawful benefit of him or her or other persons, acts or refrains from acting something which cause damage to such juristic person shall be liable to a fine for not exceeding sixty thousand Baht.

Section 42. In the case where a person who is responsible for the carrying out of business of the registered partnership, limited partnership, or limited company, acts or consents to act, with an intention to deceive partnership, company, each partner of partnership, or shareholders about their untrue benefits, whereby such acts:

(1) cause damage, destroy, change, cut off, or falsify of the accounts, documents, or securities of the partnership or company or in relating to the partnership or company ;

(2) make false statements or omit to record important substances in the accounts or documents of partnership or company or in relating to partnership or company, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years, or to a fine for not exceeding one hundred and forty thousand Baht, or to both.

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