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Submissions :

Thailand Law Forum would like to thank Chaninat & Leeds for their assistance. A law firm with both Thai and American lawyers, they provide a range of legal assistance, from business to family law, including adoption in Thailand.


The provisions of Section 20, Section 21, and Section 22 shall apply thereto mutatis mutandis.

(14)Section 62 bis No person shall consume any psychotropic substance in Schedule I.

Section 62 ter No person shall consume any psychotropic substance in Schedule II unless he consumes under an order of a medical practitioner or a first class modern practitioner in the branch of dentistry for the purpose of his treatment.

Section 62 quarter No person shall induce, pander to, instigate, deceive or threaten another person to consume any psychotropic substance.

A medical practitioner or a first class modern medical practitioner in the branch of dentistry may advice or compel another person to consume any psychotropic substance for the purpose of his treatment.

Section 63 The provision of section 62 paragraph one shall not apply to
(1)the possession or utilization in the business of a licensee to produce, sell, import, export or carry across psychotropic substances in Schedule III or Schedule IV;

(2)the possession by a person for consumption ingestion or application by any other method of an appropriate quantity of any psychotropic substance in Schedule II, or Schedule III, or Schedule IV; provided that it shall be in accordance with the prescription of a medical practitioner first-class veterinarian in the branch of dentistry or first-class veterinarian in connection with the analysis, healing, relief, cure or prevention of diseases or sickness of such person or his animals;

(3)the possession or utilization in the performance of duties of psychotropic substances in Schedule II, Schedule III, or Schedule IV by the Ministries, Sub-Ministries, Departments, Thai Red Cross Society, Pharmaceutical Organization or such other official institutions as the Minister notifies in the Government Gazette;

(4)the possession or utilization in the performance of duties of psychotropic substance in Schedule I or Schedule II by the person entrusted by the Ministry of Public Health;

(5)the possession of psychotropic substances in Schedule II, Schedule III or Schedule IV in an appropriate quantity necessary for first aid use or for an emergency occurring on a ship, aircraft or other vehicle used in international public transport not registered in the Kingdom if such vehicle is registered in the Kingdom, and application for a license shall be filed under section 62.

Section 64 In the case where the Minister thinks fit, he may issue a Notification specifying any psychotropic substance in Schedule II, Schedule III or Schedule IV which a medical practitioner first-class practitioner in the branch of dentistry, or first-class veterinarian may, without permission, have in possession the quantity as prescribed by the Minister.

Section 65 A licensee to produce sell, import, export, carry across or have in possession or utilize psychotropic substances must provide adequate measures of control in order that they may not be lost or used illegally.

Section 66 A person who is not a full-time pharmacist supervising the business at the place of production, place of sale, or place of importation of psychotropic substances shall not sell such substance in such place to another person unless it is made under close supervision of the full-time pharmacist of such place.

(15)Section 67 Under the enforcement of section 68 pharmacists will sell psychotropic substances in schedule 3 or 4 only to Ministries, Sub-Ministries, Departments, Thai Red Cross Society, Pharmaceutical Organization or such other official institutes as Minister notifies the Government Gazette medical practitioners, first class practitioners in the branch of dentistry, first class veterinarians, holders of such prescriptions or persons who have licenses to manufacture, sell or hold psychotropic substances in schedule 3 or 4 only and must have records showing the details every sales prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

Prescriptions in clause I can be used only one time except prescribes write that they may be repeated but not more than three times and quantities of drugs for each prescription must not be more than quantities that shall be consumed within less than thirty days.

Each prescription must be used not more than thirty days after the issue.

Section 68 In the case where there is no medical practitioner, first-class practitioner in the branch of dentistry, or first-class veterinarian within the radius of five kilometers from an authorized place of sale of psychotropic substances, the full-time pharmacist supervising the business of such place of sale may sell, without a prescription issued the said person, psychotropic substances in Schedule III or Schedule IV for a patient or a sick animal provided that he may, in each case, sell it for use not more than three days a month and shall record the particulars of each sale in the form prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

Section 69 In the delivery of psychotropic substances under Section 67 or Section 68, the pharmacist must also deliver to the buyer a warning or caution according to the Notification of the Minister under Section 6 (5).

International Trade

Section 70 In each importation or exportation if psychotropic substances in Schedule I or Schedule II, the person entrusted by the Ministry of Public Health must have first received a specific license from the grantor.

The application for and the granting of a license shall be in accordance with the rules, procedure and conditions prescribed in the Ministerial Regulations.

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(14) Section 62 bis, section 62 ter and section 62 quarter have been added by Psychotropic substances Act (No.3) B.E.2535, section 11.

(15) repealed and replaced by Psychotropic Substances (No.2) B.E.2528, section 3.


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