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8.  Female employees are prohibited from being assigned certain activities, including, among other things, (a) mining or construction work done underground, underwater or in certain other situations, unless the working conditions are not dangerous and (b) work performed on scaffolding more than 10 meters off the ground.

9.  Pregnant employees are prohibited from being assigned certain activities, including, among other things, (a) operating vibrating machinery, (b) work involving operating or traveling in a vehicle, (c) physical labor involving more than 15 kilograms and (d) work on a boat.  In addition, employers may not have pregnant employees work between 10 pm and 6 am or to work overtime or on holidays, except that a pregnant woman doing management, secretarial or academic work or working in the financial or accounting industries may be assigned overtime work or holiday work with the employee's consent if it does not affect the employee's health.

10.  Children under 18 years of age may not work where animals are butchered, in gambling businesses or in certain entertainment areas.  In addition, employers may not receive any guarantees from child employees and may not pay the wages of child employees to other persons.

11.  Employees working in human resources or peddling goods on commission shall not have the right to receive overtime or holiday pay.  Employees in certain other activities (including, among other things, working for railroads, operating water or drainage gates, reading water levels and volumes, fire fighting, work where the location of work is not at the place of business or where hours cannot be fixed, work as a guard where guard duties are not in the ordinary duties of the employees) shall not have the right to receive overtime or holiday pay, but shall have the right to receive wages equivalent to an hourly wage rate based on the number of hours worked.

12.  Except for termination for certain causes as specified by statute, employers are required to pay employees for accrued vacation days upon termination of their employment.

13.  The Labor Welfare Committee's duties include, among other things, making proposals and preparing reports for the Minister of Labor relating to labor policy and regulation and issuing rulings relating to special compensation under the Labor Protection Act.

14.  Employers with more than 10 employees are required to report annually to the Director-General and to submit additional reports upon the occurrence of certain changes.

15.  Employers are not required to pay employees terminated for the following causes:  (1) corruption or intentional crimes against the employer, (2) willful damaging the employer, (3) negligently causing serious damage to the employer, (4) violating the employer's work rules or orders (in the case of offenses which are not serious, after a letter of warning has been issued), (5) abandoning the employer for 3 consecutive work days and (6) imprisonment.

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