Case Study on Land Law In Thailand
The Marxist Approach
stated, Marxian analysis of social change focuses on the "mode of
production" in a society. The mode of production is comprised of
(1) the "relations of production," i.e., the groups into which
society is organized to produce goods and services, (2) the "forces
of production," i.e., the technology used to produce goods and services,
and (3) the "means of production," e.g. the land used for production.
The dialectical evolution of the mode of production through various stages
of history,(21) from primitive communism
to capitalism, has had a dominant causal effect on the "superstructure,"
e.g., on institutions, ideas, and, most importantly for our purposes,
on law. Writers have debated the extent to which Marx permitted super-structural
factors to have a feedback relationship or effect on the development of
the mode of production; but, in the last analysis, material factors are
the independent variables that guide the course of history and social
saw, at least in his earlier writings, the development of capitalism as
unleashing historically progressive productive forces wherever it spread:
bourgeoisie cannot exist without constantly revolutionizing the instruments
of production and thereby the relations of production, and with them
the whole relations of society ...Constant revolutionizing of production,
uninterrupted disturbances of all social conditions, everlasting uncertainty,
and agitation distinguish the bourgeois epoch from all earlier ones.
The bourgeoisie...draw all, even the most barbarian nations into civilization.
The cheap prices of its commodities are the heavy artillery with which
it batters down all Chinese walls...It compels all nations, on pain
of extinction, to adopt the bourgeois mode of production; it compels
them to introduce what it calls civilization into their midst, to become
bourgeois themselves. In a word, it creates a world after its own image.(22)
thus saw capitalism forcing developing nations to follow or to converge
on the model presented by European history.(23) Capitalism would be a dynamic, progressive force,(24) unleashing the productive capacities of developing countries and leading
to a capitalist mode of production and to social organization reminiscent
of European development.
in Marx's analysis of the effect of the spread of capitalism--and fundamental
for our purposes--is the view that law, as a superstructural phenomenon,
will also converge along models first created in Europe. In other words,
all law will become "capitalist" as a bourgeois mode of production
is introduced. How literally specific legal rules will correspond to the
model is a difficult question. For this Marxian approach to have explanatory
power for our purposes, a progressively growing similarity between European
and Thai legal conceptions of title suffices. One would also expect convergence
to occur in non-legal dimensions in society, e.g. politics. As compared
to the Weberian approach, the traditional Marxist's perspective resolves
Weber's agnosticism by emphasizing the imposition of the needs of the
commercial classes on the legal system.
The World Systems Approach
A Neo-Marxist
approach, World Systems, is propounded by A. Gunder Frank and I. Wallerstein.(25) This group fundamentally rejects Marx's view that capitalism would unleash
productive forces in the developing world, leading to convergence between
the developed and underdeveloped countries. They instead focus on the
structural underdevelopment of the underdeveloped world caused by world
capitalism, and the mechanisms by which developed nations expropriate
an economic surplus from these societies. They view social change in developing
countries--or peripheral countries, to use Frank's and Wallerstein's s
jargon--as determined by the role which a country plays in the international
division of labor. As Frank states, "Economic development and underdevelopment
are the opposite face of the same coin."(26) The exploitation of resources and markets in the underdeveloped world,
dating back to the Spanish colonization of America, and the transfer of
this surplus to Europe, led to divergent paths of development for individual
states within the capitalist world system. Thus social change occurs within
a single unit, the world capitalist system, and leads to growth in the
developed countries--the core--and to underdevelopment in the periphery.
authors see the transfer of economic surplus as a function of the role
played by specific nation states within the international division of
labor. As Wallerstein explains, the hierarchy of occupational tasks characteristic
of the world capitalist system allocates higher rewards to those nation
states that carry out the most complex tasks.(27) Most importantly, this international division of labor is conceptualized
as a whole; one element in the structure cannot exist without the other.
Furthermore, these hierarchial relationships are ordered as a zero-sum
game: development in one area of the hierarchy necessarily leads to underdevelopment
in another area. Thus, the development of the center would not have been
possible without the incorporation and underdevelopment of the Third World.
Once placed--in the periphery either forcibly through colonization or
passively through market demands--a country's role can change but only
with difficulty; the status quo is self reinforcing through the exercise
of individual state power on a global level and the process of unequal
is difficult to tease out the World System view of the role of law in
social change because of the approach's somewhat confused meta-theoretical
characteristics. Yet some general statements can be ventured. Unlike Marx,
Wallerstein does not view capitalism as unleashing productive forces that
lead inextricably to the emergence of free labor and the commercialization
of land. His approach, unlike Marx's, would emphasize the structural constraints
of Thailand's role in the international division of labor and that, through
the process of unequal exchange, the Thai agricultural sector, however
it was economically and legally organized, channeled economic surplus
to the center through price terms favoring the center. Ultimately, Thai
legal concepts, practices, and social change in general would be determined
by Thailand's role in the international division of labor. Thus, Thai
legal concepts would not necessarily converge on the Western model but
would instead follow a Third World model.
quite popular during the mid-seventies to early eighties, methodological
problems have plagued the world system or dependency analysis of development.
None of the authors ever gave a clear definition of capitalism or provided
a detailed historical case study of exactly how the surplus from the periphery
is channeled to the center. As a result, the theory provided no specific
propositions that could be tested in terms of empirical data in a case
study approach.29 Frank, for example, speaks only of concentric circles
of exploitation beginning with the peasant producers and the urban underemployed
in the periphery and ultimately benefiting the capitalists at the center.
choice of legal concepts of title for study was influenced by several
factors. Land is of fundamental importance in all societies, especially
those attempting to develop economically. The changing legal definition
of people's relationship to land was an important element of the European
transition from feudalism to capitalism. Specifically, the development
of a concept of individual title and the ability to transfer and mortgage
land are a fundamental aspect of the commercialization of agriculture.
Furthermore, the increasing realization that agricultural development
must, to a certain extent, precede and support industrialization, requires
a thorough understanding of the legal techniques that might support that
process. Thailand is an appropriate case study for two basic reasons.
The first is that the authors are both familar on a first-hand basis with
the society. The second is that Thailand has not received detailed academic
attention despite its on-going economic success.
second chapter of the case study will outline the evolution of Thai notions
of title. It will focus on the development of the Thai legal system from
a "formally irrational" system--characterized by the King simply
announcing the law--to a "formally rational" system. The third
chapter will tentatively test our basic proposition that legalism did
support economic development by importing a concept of title which facilitated
the commercialization of agriculture. We shall show that title only displaced
the traditional Thai notion of "ownership" in areas susceptible
to commercialization. We then analyze the current pattern of land holdings,
showing how a continuum exists from mere occupation of land to full title
ownership. We then explain why the traditional credit mechanism associated
with non-titled lands is a less efficient means to harness capital for
agricultural development. We conclude with general remarks about the law
and development movement as well as an assessment of our explanation of
the case study as compared to both the Marxist and World System approaches.
The Marxist dialectic, simply put, fundamentally rests on the notion that
social development is compelled by contradictions, e.g. between capital
and labor, within the given mode of production and that, over time, quantitative
changes eventually become qualitative.
K. Marx, "The Communist Manifesto" (New York 1964).
Meyer et. al., "Convergence and Divergence in Development,"
1 Annual Rev. of Soc. 222, 224-25 (1975).
Marx used the term "progressive" in the sense of moving the
dialectic to a new level, and ultimately closer to the achievement of
a Communist society.
Many analysts might object to labeling these authors as Neo-Marxist. Some
would argue, for example, J. Womack, that neither Frank's nor Wallersteins
works fall within the Marxist tradition. Indeed, one can argue that Frank
and Wallerstein owe their intellectual debt to structuralist economists
such as R. Prebisch and C. Furtado. While some important differences exists
between these authors and Marxists, they do seem to us to share fundamental
similarities in their treatment and focus on the disarticulation of class
structures in the developing world, and the process of capitalist expropriation
of surplus value by the developed countries. For a renowned critique of
Frank from a Marxist perspective, see Laclau, "Feudalism and Capitalism
in Latin America" 67 New Left Rev. 19 (1977). Laclau argues that
Frank's emphasis on exchange is fundamentally non-Marxist.
A.G. Frank, Capitalism and Underdevelopment in Latin America 9
(New York 1969).
I. Wallerstein, The Modern World-System II 9 (Academic Press 1980).
I. Wallerstein, The Modern World-System I 350 (Academic Press 1974). |