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There are two major weaknesses of the Act. The first is that these general propositions on public participation have found very little, if any, development in the rest of this important statute. The second weakness is rooted in the wording of the general provisions on public participation, which may be accorded to individual persons… but may not. In this respect, the wording of the Act sounds as nothing more than a general policy statement.

Apart from these major weaknesses there are many other purely legal defects, which can be seen for example in the rules on the disclosure of information. The right to obtain information is more efficiently expressed in the Constitution of Thailand, (Section 58 which was quoted above) and the Statute on the Public Information adopted in 1997. What is needed, however, is a mechanism and clear conditions under which the secrets pertaining to national security or trade and business must be disclosed to the environmental authorities. Only in Section 19 of the Act is it mentioned that the National Environmental Board, the supreme body of Thailand in determining environmental policy and setting environmental standards, may request such a disclosure. No procedural safeguards are set. The weakness of the national Environmental Board does not lie only in the lack of procedural clarity and transparency. It is unlikely to be an efficient body, since its 14 members are Prime Minister and other leading ministers of the Cabinet. These members would hardly have enough time to go into complicated details of the environmental issues. A half-quorum is required in order for any proceedings to take place. Apart from the Secretary of the Board it would be difficult to ensure that leading members in Thai politics would have the time to attend the Environmental Board meetings. There is a provision that the Board may draw members from the public - not more than eight, but probably less(12). The presence of few people from the public sector in the highest environmental body is a good beginning. The Board itself has wide, but not specifically defined, powers(13). Apart from elaborating on environmental policy and setting environmental standards, the Board has the function of supervising the application of environmental law by governmental agencies. It is clear, however, that it does not have any judicial or quasi-judicial powers. If any maladministration is found, the Board can only address the issue to the Prime Minister, who is apparently also the chairman. It seems the Board does not have an independent political standing.

Part 10

(12) Section 45 of the Act
(13) Section 12 of the Act.


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