Agreement on the ASEAN Investment Area (AIA)
Lawan Thanadsillapakul
ASEAN Investor
to this model is the definition of "ASEAN investor". The status
of ASEAN investor enables such an investor to be entitled to immediate
NT/MFN treatment. Under AIA Art.1, an ASEAN investor is defined as:
1) |
a national of a Member State; or |
2) |
any juridical person of a Member State, |
an investment in another Member State, the effective ASEAN equity
of which taken cumulatively with all other ASEAN equities fulfils
at least the minimum percentage required to meet the national equity
requirement and other equity requirements of domestic laws and published
national policies, if any, of the host country in respect of that
. |
the purpose of this definition, equity of nationals or juridical
persons of any Member State shall be deemed to be the equity of
nationals or juridical persons of the host country: |
ASEAN equity" in respect of an investment in an ASEAN Member
State means ultimate holding by nationals or juridical persons of
ASEAN Member States in that investment
. |
person" means any legal entity duly constituted or otherwise
organised under the applicable law of a Member State,
. |
means a natural person having the citizenship of a Member State
in accordance with its applicable laws. |
Therefore under AIA, a national or any juridical person of a member state
who invests in any ASEAN country is regarded as an ASEAN investor. Since
Art.1 refers to a juridical person constituted in a member country, it
is not limited to locally-owned entities. Thus, it does not exclude non-ASEAN
investors who have formed a company in a member country, and they may
be entitled to "ASEAN investor" status, provided it also meets
the conditions for "effective ASEAN equity" on a cumulative
basis. If Art.1 intended to exclude foreign-owned companies from the meaning
of "juridical person of a member state", it should be clearly
defined as "an ASEAN national juridical person", just like definitions
in national investment laws which make a distinction between foreign-owned
companies and national companies(48). Accordingly,
this definition of "ASEAN investor" enables any company legally
formed in any ASEAN country to be regarded as an ASEAN investor and entitled
to NT/MFN treatment under AIA. For instance, a foreign-owned company duly
constituted in Singapore may be entitled to the status of ASEAN investor
and hence to benefit from both NT and MFN treatment. Consequently, the
AIA provisions also indirectly encourage individual ASEAN countries to
lower their national equity requirement or to eliminate discrimination
between national and foreign investors at national level.
it needs to be made clear here that national equity requirements are also
relevant to the existing national negative list, as a foreign-owned company
(classified by its foreign-owned equity) cannot access certain industries
that are closed to foreigners. Thus foreign-owned companies are still
subject to the negative lists of each ASEAN country that are still allowed
under AIA.
for an ASEAN juridical person to be entitled to NT as an "ASEAN investor"
it must also meet the requirements of "effective ASEAN equity".
This enables it to comply with the local equity requirements of any ASEAN
member country by counting the local equity participation in all other
ASEAN countries on a cumulative basis towards that local requirement.
The definition refers to "ultimate holdings", this means that
indirect holdings in related entities can be included in the cumulative
total(49). For example, if a hypothetical
US company Computech has a Singapore subsidiary with local Singapore investors
owning 10%, it would need only an additional 40% of local shareholdings
to meet the requirement in Malaysia for 50% local equity; and then only
further 1% to meet the Thai minimum of 51%.
non-ASEAN investors can enjoy free mobility intra-ASEAN if they have "ASEAN
investor" status under the AIA, by virtue of the NT/MFN treatment
under AIA. Moreover, as discussed above, the short-term measures bind
ASEAN countries to allow 100% foreign equity holding in a company submitted
for approval from 1st January 1999 to 31st December 2000. This even further
accelerates the elimination of discrimination against foreign investors
and encourages them to invest in ASEAN immediately, within 1999-2000,
in order to be entitled to the special privileges and NT/MFN treatment
under AIA.
the implementation of NT with the 10-year differential between ASEAN investor
and non-ASEAN investors, in fact, the rationale behind this time frame
is not only specified as a grace period for fully implementing AIA, but
also to stimulate foreign investors to invest immediately in any ASEAN
country. If they do so now, they can be regarded as ASEAN investors and
immediately be entitled to the NT/MFN treatment. Once they invest in any
ASEAN country they are regarded as juristic persons of an ASEAN country
and are able to move freely intra-ASEAN, because ASEAN countries have
committed themselves to mutual NT, subject only to the TEL and SL. So
non-ASEAN investors, if they invest in an ASEAN country now, need not
wait till the year 2010 when NT will extend to all investors.
and Industrial Schemes
conjunction with the launch of the AIA, other industrial schemes (both
revised and new schemes) are to be implemented based on preferential treatment.
Prior to the launch of AIA, ASEAN had implemented some other industrial
programs such as the Revised Basic Agreement on ASEAN Industrial Joint
Ventures of 1987, the Memorandum of Understanding on the Brand-to-Brand
Complementation Scheme of 1988, and the ASEAN Industrial Co-operation
Scheme (AICO) of 1996. These programs are based on preferential regimes
extended among ASEAN members. For instance, the AICO scheme(50) is to encourage companies located and operating in different ASEAN countries
to co-operate with one another in the manufacture of approved AICO products.
A minimum of two companies in two different countries is required to form
an "AICO arrangement". The major privilege of AICO is that approved
AICO products will enjoy preferential tariff rates of 0-5% for all ASEAN
countries immediately upon approval of such an AICO arrangement. The immediate
application of the 0-5% preferential tariff rate will provide a head start
to AICO products compared to non-AICO products, since the general reduction
of tariff to the 0-5% range will not occur under the CEPT until 2003.
Other incentives include local content accreditation where applicable,
and other non-tariff incentives to be provided by the participating member
countries. The preferential tariff rates of 0-5% will also be applicable
to the importation of intermediate products and/or raw material inputs
for the manufacture of AICO Final Products and/or AICO Intermediate Products.
The scheme is open to any company that fulfils the criteria: incorporated
and operating in any ASEAN country; having a minimum 30% ASEAN national
equity(51); and undertaking resource pooling,
industrial complementation or industrial co-operation activities.
ASEAN industrial programs implement the regional industrialisation program
model as they involve regimes for encouraging intra-regional investment
by the setting up of regional enterprises with capital from more than
one member country. They encourage cross-border investment by way of regionally
integrated enterprises and projects (UNCTAD, 1999: 16-17).
ASEAN has concertedly liberalised trade and investment intra-ASEAN so
that all projects implemented are interactive and responsive to each other(52).
While the intra-ASEAN market has been growing(53) and becoming increasingly liberalised(54),
ASEAN has been liberalising investment that will further enhance trade
flows from within and from outside the region. With the interactive implementation
of AIA, AFTA, AICO, and the short-term measures, foreign investors have
been signalled that if they invest in ASEAN now they can be entitled to
all privileges granted under such agreements, even NT/MFN treatment and
the advance preferential tariff rate of 0-5% under AFTA. Foreign investors
responded immediately to the privileges offered by ASEAN. For instance,
in January 1999, Siemens AG established a regional trade and investment
centre in Thailand and increased its equity in Siemens (Thailand) from
49% to 74.5% of the company's equity(55).
Fujitsu also launched its biggest production base of hard disc drives
in Thailand in 1999(56). Also US oil giant
Caltex relocated its global operational headquarters to Singapore in March
1999(57). The Messer Group made its largest-ever
single investment outside Germany, in Singapore(58).
3 COM has opened its company's largest production base in Singapore with
a US$ 70 million investment(59).
thus indicates a new direction for ASEAN to balance deeper regional integration
and "Open Regionalism". While it enhances intra-ASEAN economic
integration, it also opens the door to non-ASEAN investors. Moreover,
individual ASEAN countries have also unilaterally liberalised their trade
and investment regime, by keeping their margin of preference as low as
they can so that market access is more available for non-ASEAN enterprises(60).
For instance, Malaysian law defines a company as a foreign company or
non-resident company where 50% or more of its paid up capital is held
by non-residents; or it is branch of a company which is incorporated outside
Malaysia; or the majority shareholding is held by residents but the ultimate
right of control is held by non-residents. Under Thai Law, foreign company
means a juristic person of which half or more of the capital is owned
by aliens; a juristic person of which half or more of the shareholders,
partners or members are aliens, irrespective of the amount invested by
such aliens; a limited partnership or registered ordinary partnership
of which its managing partner or manager is an alien. Under Indonesian
law, investment where foreign investor is directly bears the risk of the
investment is foreign investment. Also under the Philippines law, if a
company or juristic person that foreign shareholders, partners that own
more than 41% equity will be regarded as a foreign entity. Only under
Singapore law is there no definition of foreign investor.
(49) A
technical issue could be made of the term "ultimate holding"
if the entities formed in ASEAN are all subsidiaries of a non-ASEAN entity,
so that local investors in one have no "ultimate holding" in
another. To avoid doubt, they could be structured as sub-subsidiaries.
See explanation of AICO Scheme at the ASEAN website, http:/
However, this requirement is exempt during the implementation of short-term
measures between 1st January 1999 to 31st December 2000 for encouraging
foreign investment into the region. Therefore, 100% foreign equity holding
in a company established in any ASEAN country is allowed and entitled
to the preferences provided.
See Short term Measures in Annex 12, which ASEAN countries allow 100%
equity owned by non-ASEAN investor, and under AIA, "ASEAN investors"
are entitled to national treatment, and all industries are opened to them
(subject only to negative lists) have facilitated liberalised investment,
and these measures have also facilitated service trade through commercial
presence so that non-ASEAN service providers can establish themselves
in ASEAN countries and can freely mobile within the region. See section
3. of the Short Term Measures for individual ASEAN country liberalisation.
Also IMF rescued packages include privatisation scheme, open financial
sector, telecommunication, and other service sectors of ASEAN countries.
Also see Table 6 GATS-Plus Commitments of ASEAN Countries showing ASEAN
countries liberalised services extensively. AICO Schemes which reinforce
trade and investment liberalisation by providing 0-5% tariff rate to all
products produced under AICO Schemes. All these measures function in a
way that they are all complementary, and facilitate both trade and investment
lberalisation. Moreover, as I pointed out the four main areas that ASEAN
countries generally restrict FDI: entry restriction; equity limitation;
performance requirement; and investment incentive. Now ASEAN countries
have deregulated them, as mentioned above, allow 100% equity holding by
foreign investor, open industries that closeed to foreign investor, committed
to lift out performance requirement and coordinate among ASEAN members
in providing investment incentives.
See ASEAN Secretariat (1998a) Compendium of Investment Policies and
Measures in ASEAN Countries. Jakarta: The ASEAN Secretariat. Also
see ASEAN Secretariat (1998b) Handbook of Investment Agreements in
ASEAN. Jakarta: The ASEAN Secretariat.
ASEAN is now composed of 10 countries and has a total population of about
500 million, a total area of 4.5 million square kilometers, and a combined
gross national product of US$ 685 billion.
ASEAN responded to the crisis by pursuing financial and economic reforms
and boosting the region's competitive edge through accelerated implementation
of its economic liberalization policies and programs, such as the ASEAN
Free Trade Area, the ASEAN Investment Area and the ASEAN Industrial Co-operation
Scheme (AICO).
The centre would support the activities of Siemens AG joint ventures in
the whole region, particularly in the telecommunications, transport, medical
systems and power generation sectors. BOI Thailand Announcement, No. 18/2542
(O.10) 27th January 1999.
BOI Thailand announcement, No. 18/2542 (O.10) 27th January 1999.
Singapore Investment News, January 1999.
Messer Griesheim GmbH of Germany and Texaco Nederlands B.V., a subsidiary
of Texaco Inc of White Plains, NY, will build a US$ 200 million synthesis
gas production facility on Singapore Jurong Island. Singapore Investment
News, January 1999.
With the opening of the company's largest production facility in Singapore,
3Com becomes the first global networking company with a manufacturing
presence in Asia. Singapore Investment News, January 1999.
For example, Indonesia has reduced tariff rates beyond WTO commitments,
see http:/,
WTO-TPRP report on Indonesia, meeting date 3rd-4th December 1998. |