Major issues in the Thai
patent system
law has played a vital role in the preservation of the rights of inventors.
Legal protection is considered necessary for the enhancing of inventive
activities and technological development. As a developing economy, whose
economic development. Relies heavily on industrialisation, through the
utilisation of modern technologies. Thailand has adopted a patent law
to provide a temporary monopoly for inventors. This has been done in order
to foster the development of a required technological base, and to assist
the acquisition of foreign technologies.
is worth mentioning that Thailand does not have long legal development
in the field of patent. Although an idea for the establishment of a patent
system emerged at first in 1913,1 there was
no legal protection for inventions in the country until 1979. It was held
by the Supreme Court in 1964 that patent rights were not enforceable under
Thai law.2 Unlike most developing countries.
Thailand has never endured colonial rule, and its patent law did not evolve
from colonial influences. A patent system was adopted as part of the economic
policies of the Thai Government and was a result of Thailand's attempt
to accelerate industrial production and trade expansion. In the past,
the policy of Thailand over the establishment of a patent system had been
changed several times in accordance with various national economic and
industrial polocies and developments. Until 1979, the "Patent Act B.E.2522"
was enacted as the country's first patent law, and came into effect on
12 September 1979.3
February 1992, Thailand, under pressure from the United States, decided
to revise the Patent Act in order to avoid trade sanctions under s.301
of the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act 1988. The "Patent Act B.E.
2535" has amended the previous law in several areas including an expansion
of the scope of patentable subjedt-matter, an extension of the term of
patent rights, the establishment of a drug price review committee, and
the modification of the process for the grant of compulsory licenses.
article is intened to survey the statutory structures and the substantive
provisions of the patent regime in Thailand. It also attempts to provide
interpretative analyses of basic patent rules, under both the original
Act and the new legislation which has just been passed by the National
Assembly. In the following sections, the paper will consider these in
turn; Section I describes general conceptual issues in the Thai Patent
system; Section II discusses basic requirements for patentability in Thailand;
Section III examines patentable subject-matters; Section IV deals with
the problems of duration of patent protection; and Section V describes
legal mechanisms adopted to combat the abuse of patent protection.
has to be noted that Thailand is not to-date party to any international
conventions in the field of patent law, nor has it concluded any bilateral
treaties on this subject. However, several of the basic principles established
in the Paris Convention have had a significant influence on Thailand's
Patent Act. The legal paradigm under the Model Law for Developing Countries,
drafted by BIRPI and later WIPO, and the basic rules embodied in developed
countries patent legislations were also accepted by the Thai Assembly.
The existing features of Thailand's patent law are less complex than those
of industrialised countries, and the level of litigation in this field
is very low. Since the concept of inventive protection in the early stage,
few legal doctrines and judicial interpretations of law have been established.
A. Definition
There are two distinct
kinds patents under Thai law : invention and design patents. Only the
former, however, will be examined in this study. The Patent Act B.E. 2522
commences by providing useful definitions of the meanings of some legal
terms, such as "patent" and "invention"
to s.3, a patent is defined as "a document issued under the provisions
of this Act to grant protection for an invention or a design." This definition
is enumerated in a limitative manner as it describes the patent in a tangible
form only. It neither refers to any legal rights conferred by the Government,
nor mentions any obligations of the patent holder to disclose and work
the invention for the benefit of society.
Act also contains the definition of "invention". It is defined in s.3
as "any innovation or invention which creates a new product or process,
or any improvement of a known product or process." The definition of "invention"
makes Thailand's patent law different from some western patent statutes,
in particular the European Patent Convention (EPC), which do not provide
a clear definition of the term "invention". The advantage of the precise
definition is that it delimits the uncertainty involved in patent litigation
by providing a general standard of interpretation. Nevertheless, there
is also a shortcoming of the strict interpretation, since the legal definition
may be too narrow in practice, in particular when dealing with technological
above definition describes "invention" as an act or a process of inventing,
rather than the result of the inventing process. This is because the law
is intended to protect an inventor's idea, not something obtained from
inventive activity. But the law does not protect the idea per se. For
an idea to be considered an invention for the purpose of the Patent Act,
it must be able to be utilised in practice, In other words, the idea must
provide a practical solution to a particular problem in some area of technology.5
definition includes any improvement of a known product or process. This
inclusion is particularly beneficial in enhancing technological development
in the country. The patentability of an improved invention acts as an
incentive for indigenous inventors and scientists to either improve upon
or adapt foreign inventions to the local environment and conditions.6
B. Scope of protection
Patent protection
in Thailand can be obtained either as a product or a process patent. The
scope of product protection is wide in its application. It confers an
absolute monopoly right on the patentee by allowing him to exclude others
from using, importing, selling, and making the patented product.7
the degree of protection under a process patent is narrower than that
afforded by a product patent, a process patent is still important for
developing economies, like Thailand, in order to encourage research and
development (R&D) activities and to arrive at alternative methods of production,
especially of production, especially of pharmaceuticals, chemicals and
Patent Act B.E. 2522 afforded an exclusive right by allowing the process
patent holder to utilise the patented process. A process patent holder
also had a right to sell the products obtained directly by means of the
patented process.9 But a process patent holder
had no "importation right".
patent Act B.E. 2535 has increased the rights of the holder of a process
patent by including a right to import products produce directly by means
of the patented process.10 No one else,
without the authorisation of the patentee, can import the products into
Thailand, and it does not matter whether the product is being imported
for private use, or for commercial purposes.
introduction of the "importation right" into the Patent Act, however,
does not make any different. Under the old s.36, although other persons
were still able to import the products, the competitors could not put
the imported producst on the market without the authorisation of the patentee.
The legal structure under the old law still left the process patent holder
free to conqure the market, despite the lack of the import monopoly right.
Apart from the introduction
of the importation right, the rights of the process patent holder have
been extended to the right to manufacture, use, sell, offering for sale,
have in the possession for sale, and import a product of the patented
infringement of a process patent, the onus was on the patentee to prove
that the alleged infringer had utilised the patented process, or that
the product had been produced by using the patented process. This caused
considerable problems to the patentee in enforcing his legal right, as
it was very difficult, in practice, to prove such infringement. S.77,
a revised provision of the Patent Act B.E. 2535, reverses the burden of
proof, placing it on the alleged infringer to prove the he did not utilise
the patented process to manufacture the product. This provision is applied
to civil litigation only, and, therefore. Does not contradict the generally
accepted principle of criminal law.12
process patent now has a very strong form of monopoly rights. The revision
was intended to improve the protection offered by process patents, which
was considered rather weak under the old law.
C. First-to file-system
Thailand has adopted
the first-to-file systems, which is used in many other patent systems,
by conferring exclusive rights to the application from the first filing
date or priority date.
patent Act has solved a problem of the conflict of rights between inventors
when two or more applications are field for anidentical invention on the
same date. S.16 stipulates that the applicants shall agree whether a patent
should be granted to one of them or all of them jointly. If no agreement
is reached within the period prescribed by the Director- General, the
applicant may bring the case to do so within such period, means that the
applications are deemed to be abandoned.
D. Persons entitled
to file an application
A person who enjoys
patent protection must be an inventor of the claimed invention.13 This means that only the true inventor can apply for a patent. An exception
to this is that an employer, a government organization, or a government
enterprise has the right to File an application for an invention made
by an employee or a government official or a person who is in the execution
of an employment contract for a contract for performing a contract for
performing a certain work, unless it is stated otherwise in the contract.14
advantage in providing exclusive rights to the true inventor is that it
limits the possibility of abuse. Without this requirement, a person who
happens to learn of another's invention may acquire the patent rights
if he is the first to file an application.15 However, a shortcoming of this requirement seems to be a difficulty in
determining who is the true inventor. For the benefit of developing countries,
including Thailand, which require the modern technology to enhance industrial
development, it may be reasonable to suggest that this provision should
be revised to allow the patent to be granted to a person who first files
an applicacation, regardless of whether he is the true inventor or not.
This will encourage the disclosure of inventions.which might otherwise
be kept secret by the inventors, through a third party.
applicant for a patent may be a Thai national or a foreigner. The Patent
Act provides legal protection to foreign inventors on the basis of reciprocity.
Since Thailand is not a party to the Paris Convention, the national treatment
principle is not constituted in its patent law. Where a foreigner files
an application in Thailand, he has to prove that the State to which he
belongs allows Thai citizens to apply for patents in that country.16 This requirement seems to apply to all foreign nationals, including foreign
persons who have their domicile in Thailand and foreign companies that
are established in the country.
E. Requirements
of an application
In so far as the
basic requirements for patentability are concerned, the law stipulates
three conditions which a patentable invention has to satisfy. These are
novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.17 Apart from these requirments, the Act also constitutes an exctusion list
of particular subject-matters which cannot be patented in Thailand.18
applicant for a patent has to provide a detailed description of the invention
in such full, concise, clear and exact terms so as to enable a person
ordinarily skilled in the art to which the invention relates to make and
use the invention. Moreover, the patent application has to disclose the
best mode known to the inventor of carrying out the invention.19
are three merits associated with the complete and adequate disclosure
requirement.20 First, it is capable of
enhancing the effectiveness of the compulsory licensing system. This is
because the full disclosure will enable the licensee to work the patented
invention. Secondly, it is also important for the ordinary patent lisensee
in exploiting the licensed patent efficiently and independently without
the co-operation of the licensor. Thirdly, it fosters public use of the
invention after it becomes part of the public domain. This will enhance
the role of the patent system as a source of technical information.
a problem here concerns the notion of "a person skilled in the art". Who
should be regarded as such a person? If the skilled person is determined
by using the local standard. It is possible that the disclosure of the
patented invention may not meet the Thai requirement but would meet the
disclosure requirement in another country with more skilled indigenous
problem concerns the "best mode" requirement, which is intended to maximise
public benefit from the full disclosure of the invention.22 It is questionable whether the patent officials are able to assess the
standard of the best mode requirement. This is because the requirement
is vague, as it is based on the subjective opinion of the inventor. Another
question is when the "best mode" of working the invention, which has to
be disclosed by the inventor, should be perceived by him. Should it be
the date of invention, the filling date, or the date of grant?
F. Examination
the examination process, when the competent officer considers that an
application does not complied with the above requirement, he shall submitted
a report to the Director-General to reject the application.23 However, the law does not state whether the insufficient disclosure of
the invention is a ground for revocation of patent.24 This may create a practical problem if it is found, after a patent is
isuued, that the specification does not disclose the invention clearly
and completely enough as required by s.17(3).
Patent Act provides for the examination of the patent applications as
to substance.25 In practice, due to the
limited resources and facilities, the Department of Intellectual Property
Rights has requested the Australian Patent Office and the European Patent
Office to conduct the examination of the patent applications.26 If it appears that the application for a patent does not comply with the
rules and procedures (e.g. the claim is not properly drawn), or that the
claimed invention is not patentable, The Department of Intellectual Property
Rights any reject the application.27 The
following section will survey details of the requirements for patentability
in Thailand.
* An Associate Professor in law, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.
1 Phaungrach, Yanyong, Patent. Law and Practice, Bangkok,
1990,p.7 (in Thai).
2 Supreme Court Decision No.837/2507.
3 The Royal Gazette. Vol.96 No.35,16 March 1979
4 WIPO, WIPO Model Law for Developing Countries on Inventions,
Vol.1, Geneva, 1979,p.57.
5 See Ibid, at p.57
6 Yankey, George S., International Patents and Technology
Transfer to Less Developed Countries. Gower, Aldershot, 1987.p.212
7 Patent Act B.E. 2522, amended by Patent Act B.E. 2535.
8 See WIPO, The Importance of the Patent System to Developing
Countries, World Symposium at Colombo, Sri Lanka, 1977
9 Patent Act B.E. 2522. S.36.
10 Patent Act B.E.2522, amended by Patent Act B.E. 2535,
11 Ibid
12 See Vaitsos, C.V., The Revision of the International
Patent System: Legal Considerations for a Third World Position, World
Position, World Development, Vol.4 No.2 1976, p.98.
13 Patent Act B.E. 2522, amended by patent Act B.E. 2535.
14 Patent Act B.E. 2522, ss.11 and 13
15 Yankey, op.cit, at p.215
16 Patent Act B.E. 2522, s.14.
17 Ibid, s.5.
18 Ibid, s.9.
19 Ibid, s.17(3)
20 Yankey, op.cit., at p.219
21 See Wegner, H.C., Patent Harmonization. Sweet & Maxwell,
London, 1993, p.162.
22 Ibid, at pp.164-167
23 Patent Act B.E.2522, s.28(1)
24 See Ibid, ss.54-55
25 Ibid, ss.24-29
26 Phaungrach, op.cit.p.66.
27 Patent Act B.E.2522, s.28. |