Bilateral Investment Agreements
Dr. Lawan Thanadsillapakul (1)
In this paper, I will focus on the ASEAN BITs by comparing terms and conditions
of each ASEAN countries' BITs that very considerably. The variationis
based mainly on the BIT model of some developed countries such as the
UK model, the US model, the German Model, or Switzerland's, on which each
ASEAN country has based its BIT. Moreover, each ASEAN country may also
have its own bargaining position causing it to deviate from such models.
Therefore, it appears that one ASEAN country may adopt various models
of BIT according to who is its contracting party and under what circumstancesthey
entered into the BITs.
most important characteristic of ASEAN BITs, like other general BITS,
is that they are based on national laws of the contracting parties, especially
on pre-entry and establishment control on FDI (discussed below). Thus
most BITs do not affect national laws and leave this issue to the host
country'sdiscretion. Even postentry national treatment allows the host
country to impose non-discriminatory regulations and requirements to ensure
the conformityof the FDI operation to the laws of the host country. These
characteristics appear in all ASEAN BITs (see Table 4) Moreover, national
treatment and MFN treatment are also subject to the national policy so
that under certain circumstances foreign investors that are generally
granted national treatment still are subject to some reservations. The
purpose of BITs is to ensure the protection of foreign investment at least
on the basis of an international standard.
Therefore, it is clear that ASEAN BITs do not override or affect their
existing investment laws. This is in contrast with the US model BIT, which
grantsnational treatment or MFN treatment whichever is more favourable
at both pre-entry and post-entry stage to foreign investors which however
no ASEAN country has yet accepted. Therefore, all ASEAN BITs remain their
investment control model. Now I turn to discuss the ASEAN BITS, which
are based on various models.
US BIT Model
Firms from European countries and the US. have long invested in ASEAN
countries and ASEAN countries entered into bilateral investment
agreements with these capital-exporting countries after the 1960s, initially
with a few countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and France.The US
also concluded investment protection agreements with ASEAN countries in
the 1960s but based mainly on the old model of the Treaty of Friendship,
Commerce and Navigation (FCN). Recently ASEAN countries have also endeavoured
to conclude BITS with other capital- exporting countries (see
Table 1)
is notable that the US has not re-concluded any new BITs(2) with ASEAN countries, although the US already had agreements based on
the olderFCN model protecting foreign investment with some of these countries.
For instance, the US concluded a Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations
with Thailand in 1966(3) and Vietnam in 1957(4) and also had a very old Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Commerce and Navigation
with Brunei in 1850(5). With the Philippines, the US
concluded an Agreement relating to entry of nationals of either country
into the territories of the other for purposes of trade, investment, and
related activities(6). The Philippines, is also a signatory
to the Convention establishing the Multilateral Guarantee Agreement. Since
this country adopts the generally accepted principles of international
law as part of the law of the country, the generally accepted principles
of international law on the protection of properties owned by the aliens
are therefore considered part of the Philippines law. The rest(7) had concluded Economic Co-operation Agreements with the US. However, the
US did conclude investment guarantee agreements with some of the ASEAN
countries, but unlike BITs they were mainly focusing on the purpose of
investment protection excluding the liberalisation of investment regulations.
The US entered into an investment guarantee agreement with Indonesia(8),
Malaysia(9), the Philippines(10),
and Singapore(11). The areas covered by the agreements
are:protection against unlawful nationalisation and expropriation; prompt;
effective and adequate compensation in the event of nationalisation or
expropriation,and of losses owing to such events as war or insurrection;
free transfer of profits or capital and other fees; and settlement of
disputes under the Convention on Settlement of Investment Disputes These
various agreements were not unique, and particularly the old model of
Treaties of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation and the Economic Co-operation
Agreements broadly covered all economic issues, not just investment According
to these agreements,investment protection accorded by ASEANcountries was
mostly based on international law and also guaranteed fair and equitabletreatment.
They also provide National Treatment or Most-Favoured-Nation Treatment
in certain respects to US investors. However, the entry of foreign investors
and any pre-entry requirements were subject to domestic laws and regulations.
And this is a very common criterion that also applied to all ASEAN BITs
concluded with European and other countries.
new model of US BITs, adopted in 1980, went beyond those of other countries
in requiring pre-entry National Treatment, which in
effect requires a treaty partner (see Tables 2 and Tables
3) to allow free entry of foreign investors, subject only to a negative
list of exceptions negotiated and offered at the time of the agreement.
Moreover, the new model of US BITs, unlike the old one, provides US investors
with six basic guarantees (13):
to ensure that US companies will be treated as favourably as their competitors (14);
to establish clear limits on the expropriation of investments and ensure
that US investors will be fairly compensated;
to ansure free transfer of funds (15) into and out
of the host country using the market rate of exchange;
to limit the ability of the host government to require US investors to
adopt inefficient and trade distorting practices (16);
to ensure the right of US investors to submit an investrment dispute with
the treaty partner's government to international arbitration (17);
to give US investors the right to engage the top managerial personnel
of their choice, regardless of nationality.
fact, the US BITs aimed to set the policy groundwork for broader multilateral
initiatives in the OECD, and perhaps eventually in the WTO.
is interesting to note that all ASEAN BITs, either concluded with European
countries or with the US as well as others, were all subject to domestic
law regarding the establishment and control of foreign investment. However,
ASEAN countries do accept the principles of international law regarding
investment protection. This common feature clearly signals that ASEAN
countries preserve their sovereign right in the liberalisation of investment
regulations that they see fundamentally affecting their economy and security.
They still need to make sure that foreign investors admitted are well
controlled and contribute economic progress to their economies according
to their plans and policies. But once they have accepted any foreign investors
they are committed to grant protection to them at a level reaching the
requirements of international laws and principles to ensure the security
of foreign investors. This shows the firm commitment of ASEAN countries
to the protection of foreign investors, and BITs have been regarded as
an instrument to attract foreign investment in this sense. It is very
important to emphasise that ASEAN countries prefer not to have their territorial
jurisdiction removed by the liberalisation of foreign investment in absolute
terms. There are far more factors to be taken into account in relation
to foreign investment than just liberalisation. Social problems, security,
environment, employment and culture may be affected by foreign investment
in the host countries. These have been regarded and taken into consideration
in the liberalisation of investment. Now I will discuss the ASEAN BITs
concluded with European countries, which also show the dichotomy between
the restriction of foreign investment entry and the guarantee of protection
of foreign investment.
BITs concluded with European Countries
In most of then relationships, ASEAN countries are the recipients of inward
capital flows and are agreeing to conditions of investment protection
in the hope that more capital would flow into their territory from the
traditional capital-exporting countries. They considered that a BIT could
be a measure for attracting investment, since the existence of a BIT may
be regarded as a guarantee of protection for foreign investors.In particular,
uncertainties about the content of customary international laws on foreign
investment, as well as the difficulty of concluding a binding multilateral
investment agreement to protect foreign investors, are the main reasons
for states to turn to bilateral investment agreements. Developed countries
hoped that the guarantees in an intergovernmental agreement might be higher
and more reliable than the domestic laws of the host countries. However,
the vast majority of BITs actually concluded were not instruments for
investment liberalisation but rather for protection of foreign investors
from illegal expropriation/nationlisation and unfair compensation. BITs
mainly leave the matters of entry and establishment to national discretion
(Muchlinski, 1995: Ch 17; UNCTAD, 1999: 16). This can clearly be seen
in all ASEAN BITs that are subject to domestic laws and regulations as
well as economic policy, ranging from admission requirements, treatment
after establishment (e.g. the Malaysia divestment rules), transfer of
profits and other returns from investment, and especially the pre-requisites
for entitlement to investment promotion. Thus BITs do not affect the investment
regimes, laws and regulations of ASEAN countries as discussed above. Even
though all BITs of ASEAN countries include the National Treatment and
Most-Favoured-Nation principles, the applicability of those principles
varies in particular instances and is still subject to domestic laws.
If ASEAN BITs are regarded as one factor among many which may affect a
potential investor's decision to invest in ASEAN countries, it is to ensure
the stability and security of foreign investment in these countries but
not for the reason that ASEAN uses BITs for investment liberalisation.
Other factors are very important, such as the economic profitability of
an investment, political stability of the host country, the legal framework,
the investment climate or the favourable environment for investment that
facilitates profit making by foreign investors. Political, economic and
legal stability are the main investment determinants. From the legal aspect,
invesment law reform may nevertheless be import, particularly to strengthen
regional economic integration to gain advantages from economic of scale
through the cnlargement of the regional market for trade and investment.
To show that ASEAN BITs are subject to domestic investment laws and regulations,
and that to fact BITs do not interfere with the policies
of ASEAN countries to screen foreign investment for economic development,
the following section will analyse BITs between ASEAN countries and some
European countries by making a comparison of these ASEAN BITs.
Assstant Professor, Dr., School of Law, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University.
She holds LL.B and LL.M (Tharrmasat University, Thailand),LL.M (Vrije
Uruversiteit Brussels. Belgium), and Ph.D (Lancaster University, UK)
The Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT) Program supports the key US government
economic policy objectives of promoting US exports and enhancinginternational
competitiveness of US companies. The BIT program's basic aims are to protect
US investment abroad in those countries where US investors' right are
not protected through existing agreements such as treaties of Friendship,
Commerce and Navigation; encourage adoption in foreign countries of market-oriented
demestic policies that treat private investment fairly; and support the
development of international law standards consistent with these objective.
See http //www. state. gov/www/issues/economic/7treaty.html.
Treaty of Amity and Economic Relations between The Kingdom of Thailand
and the United States of America, signed at Bangkok on 29th May 1966.
Entered into force on 8th June 1968. 19 UST 584; TIAS 6540; 652 UNTS 253.
exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the guaranty of
private investments between the United States of America and Republic
of Vietnam, signed at Washington DC, on 5th November 1957. Entered into
force on the same day. 8 UST 1862;TIAS 3931; 300 UNTS 11.
Treaty of Peace, Friendship, Commerce and Navigation between the United
States of America and Brunei signed in Brunei on 23rd June 1850.
Entered into Force on 11th July 1853. 10 Stat. 909; TS 33; 5 Bevans 1080.
Agreement relating to entry of nationals of either country into the territories
of the other for purpose of trade, investment and related activities between
the US and the Philippines Exchange of notes at Washington, on 6th September
1955 Entered into force on 6th 1955.
6 UST 3030; TIAS 3349; 238 UNTS 109.
Economic co operation agreement between Burma and the United States of
Ahead. signed at Rangoon 21st March 1957 Entered into force on 9th October
1957, Economic co-operation agreement between Indonesia and the United
States of America signed at Uproots Judd October 1950 Entered into force
on 16th October 1950, Economic co-operation agreement between the United
Kingdom and tire United States of America signed at London 6th July 1940,
applicable to the Federation of Malaya (Melaysia) and Singapore 20th July
1948 Economic co-operation agreement between Laos and the United States
of America, with annex and exchange of notes, signed at Vientiane 9th
September 1952 Entered into force 9th September 1952.
The Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the United States
of America and Indonesia relating to Investment
Guaranties signed and entered into force on 7th January 1967.
Exchange of Notes constituting a agreement between the United States of
America and the Federation of Malaya relating to the
Guaranty Private Investments, signed and entered into force on 21st April
Exchange of Notes constituting an Agreement between the United States
of America and the Republic of the Philippines relating to Guaranties
under section 111 (b) (3) of the Economic Co-operation Act of 1948, as
amended, signed and entered into force on.. 19th February, 1952.
Investment Guarantee Agreement between the United States of America and
Singapore signed and entered into force on 25th March 1966.
This was linked to the close relationship betw een the US and some ASEAN
countries on political grounds: for instance, the Philippines was a colony
of the US and Thailand had American military bases on its territory according
to the Manila accord to protect the region from a communist invasion into
the region as Thailand has borders with Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam which
have been endangered by communism in the past.
Press Release by the Bureau of Economic, Business and Agricultural Affairs,
14th January 1998.
This includes when the US investors seek to initiate investment and throughout
the life of that investment, subject to certain limited and specifically
described exceptions listed in annexes or protocols to the treaties.
This covers all transfers related to an investment, including interest,
proceeds from liquidation, repatriated profits and infusions of additional
financial resources after the initial investment has been made. This is
to ensure the right to transfer funds creates a predictable environment
guided by market forces.
From the US's point of view, performance requirement such as local content
requirement or export performance requirements all are prohibited.
This provision may also open up new markets for US producers and increase
US exports. Thus the US investors protected by BITs can purchase US produced
components wrthout restriction on inputs in their production of various
products. They can also import other US-produced products for distribution
and sale in the local market. They cannot be forced, as a condition of
establishment or operation, to export locally produced goods back to the
US market or to third-country markets. (17)
This is ensure that there is no requirement to use that country's domestic
courts. |