Thailand Law Journal 2009 Spring Issue 1 Volume 12


Table A1. The Education Equation: Year 2001, Full Sample. (dependent variable: years of education)                              

Independent Variable                      Coefficient          Standard Error  

Age                                         1.472***               (.298)      

Age2                            -0.040***                    (.009)      

Age3                                0.0003***                    (.000)      

Sex                                         1.506***                (.095)      

Oldest Son or Daughter           1.450**                  (.635)      

Age of Mother at Individual's Birth    .042***         (.010)      

Oldest Child * Age of Mother at      -.057**           (.026)      

  Individual's Birth                                                          

Number of Siblings                          -.081**                (.036)      

Bound Test on Additional                  5.47                            


                                              [p-value: 0.001]                      

Observations                                                 1,585                  

   Note: See Table 5. The regression includes a constant and dummies for province of birth, father's education, mother's education, and older sibling's education.                                                        

Excerpts from the Questionnaire

Part VI-A. On-the-Job Training

This type of training is often conducted by your immediate supervisor, senior fellow worker, team leader or foreman. The purpose of the training is to guide you and/or evaluate the tasks that you are expected to perform. This is usually held during regular working hours at your workstation.

In Year 2001,

1. Did you receive on-the-job training? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If you answered NO, proceed to question 6. If you answered YES, please continue.

2. How frequent was the training conducted?
[ ] Daily
[ ] Once a week
[ ] Twice a week
[ ] Twice a month
[ ] Every month
[ ] Not on a regular basis
[ ] Others (please specify) __________

3. What was the usual length of the training sessions?
[ ] Less than 1 hour
[ ] 1 to 2 hours
[ ] 2 to 3 hours

[ ] More than 3 hours

4. Who conducted the training?
[ ] Senior worker belonging to the same unit
[ ] Team leader / Immediate supervisor
[ ] Foreman
[ ] Instructor from parent company
[ ] Instructor from training center
[ ] Others (please specify) __________

5. The training was about: (Choose more than one if appropriate.)
[ ] Daily tasks performed
[ ] Maintenance, operation and mechanics of machines and tools
[ ] Orientation for new machines and equipment
[ ] Safety regulations and rules
[ ] Improving skills in general
[ ] Others (please specify) __________
(similar set of questions for earlier years)


This article is published with the kind permission of Kenn Ariga and Giorgio Brunello. The article originally appeared in Volume 59, Issue 4, July 2006, of the Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Copyright Cornell University.


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