Thailand Law Journal 2009 Spring Issue 1 Volume 12

Part VI-B. Off-the Job Training

This type of training is more formal and organized than on-the-job training. The trainers may or may not be employed by the company. The training is held outside the workstation. It may be conducted during or outside working hours. Examples are: (1) training and orientation to new employees, and (2) training on new equipment.

In Year 2001,

1. Did you receive off-the-job training? [ ] Yes [ ] No

If you answered NO, proceed to question 6. If you answered YES, please continue.

2. During the year, how many times did you have off-the job training? _____ times

3. What was the usual length of the training sessions? _____ days

4. Who conducted the training?
[ ] Engineer
[ ] Instructor from the training center of the company
[ ] Instructor from a parent company
[ ] Instructor from another training center
[ ] Others (please specify) __________

5. The training was about: (Choose more than one if appropriate.)
[ ] Daily tasks performed
[ ] Maintenance, operation and mechanics of machines and tools
[ ] Orientation for new machines and equipment
[ ] Safety regulations and rules

[ ] Improving skills in general
[ ] Others (please specify) __________


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This article is published with the kind permission of Kenn Ariga and Giorgio Brunello. The article originally appeared in Volume 59, Issue 4, July 2006, of the Industrial and Labor Relations Review. Copyright Cornell University.


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