Hot! Thaksin Lawyer Legal Problems After Commenting on Lese Majeste Law


Khao LakBangkok 2010 240Red-shirt legal adviser Robert Amsterdam almost certainly breached national security laws by calling for the abolition of the lese majeste law, the Lawyers Council of Thailand (LCT) says reports The Bangkok Post.

LCT explained that Section 112 of the Criminal Code is aimed at protecting the monarchy and those who violate it are breaching national security.

The Canadian lawyer appeared on the United Front for Democracy against Dictatorship (UDD) rally stage on Saturday May 10, 2014, and recommended changes to Section 112 of the Criminal Code, which deals with insults against  which deals with insults against the monarchy.

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Mr. Amsterdam accused the Democrat Party of using the lese majeste law to suppress free speech and to stifle the public debate necessary in a democratic system of government. 

The LCT also urged labor officials to help clarify whether Mr. Amsterdam had entered the country on a tourist visa or had obtained a proper work permit. If he received payment for speaking at the rally then proper authority to work should have been obtained in advance. 

Read the full story here


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