Hot! Seattle Woman Charged with Rape Against Sleeping Man

CurtainsA 240-pound woman from Seattle was charged with second-degree rape on September 8, 2014, for sexually assaulting a 31-year-old man in his home in June 2013, reports The Smoking Gun.

According to The Smoking Gun, the victim did not previously know his attacker, identified as Chantae Gilman, and woke up at 2 a.m. to find himself pinned down by Gilman. After pushing her out of his duplex, the man went to the Harborview Medical Center for a sexual assault examination.

Gilman’s DNA was later matched to the DNA recovered from the victim’s sexual assault kit, leading to her indictment, reports The Smoking Gun.

Court records indicate that Gilman had a history of prior offenses, including attempted robbery and possession of a stolen vehicle. Detective Roger Ishimitsu also reported that Gilman said “she has a mental illness and suffers from Bipolar disorder and Psychosis.”

Read the full story here.

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