Hot! Third Party Individuals Included in Revenge Porn Law between Parties in a Relationship

A Texas appeals court has ruled the Relationship Privacy Act as too vague and that it violates the First Amendment rights of third party people who are not the original parties in the relationship. The Relationship Privacy Act refers to parties who distribute pornographic visual material of their significant others without their consent.

The legislation outlaws the distribution of visual materials that may include images, film and negatives of genitalia, pubic area, female nipple of a person or the buttocks area. Violating the legislation is considered a class A criminal offense. It is punishable by $1000 fine for intentional exposure or a $500 fine for unintentional exposure.

The appeals court is concerned that for third party individuals that were not involved in the conception of the original content and did not know about its privacy status may be held responsible for distributing the content without the intention of harming the victim.

Read the full story here 

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