Hot! Police In Myanmar Allegedly Torture Gay and Transgender People

Police Alledgedly Abuse Gay and Transgender People in Myanmar

The Bangkok Post has reported that the Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC) have made a statement condemning the alleged torture of gay and transgender people by police in Myanmar.

Police in Mandalay have been conducting an operation against gay and transgender people meeting in public places over recent weeks. The AHRC explained in their statement that on 7 July, around 20 plain clothed police officers and local administrators assaulted a group of gay and transgender people, pushing, hitting, handcuffing them and pulling off their clothes in full public before loading them into vehicles. 


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The arrestees were then allegedly subject to further degradation in the police station. Many were then released, but then others threatened with charge and some actually charged under section 35 (C) of the Police Act 1945 which says “Any person found between sunset and sunrise having his face covered or otherwise disguised, who is unable to give a satisfactory account himself… may be taken into custody by any police officer without a warrant, and shall be punishable on conviction with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three months.” 

Read the full story here

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 Flickr photo credit Sam T (samm4rox)

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