Man Charged with Killing Dog Under Thailand’s Animal Abuse Law

“doggie” by Dominik Gubi is licensed under CC BY-NC-NC 2.0
A man who apparently shot a street dog near the Imperial Lat Phrao mall on January 13 faces charges under Thailand’s 2014 Animal Protection Law, reports The Nation.
According to The Nation, the suspect originally denied the charges, but then turned himself in to police after a video of the incident was posted on social media.
The accused was charged with “killing an animal without any reason” and could face up to two years in prison and/or a 40,000 baht fine under the new Animal Abuse Law.
Panita Suntharat, who claimed to be the murdered dog’s owner, said, “If my dog bites people, then I have to take responsibility. It should be normal practice, from now on, that if a dog attacks someone, the owners, or those who take care of the dog, have to take responsibility; while those who hurt animals, they have to be held responsible too.”
Read the full story here.
Recommended Reading:
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all right
if some dog wanna bit me – i can kill this dog, because this dog is dangerous for my life, i dont want be dissabled after some stupid dog, who have stupid owner, who have bird shit instead of brains
“If my dog bites people, then I have to take responsibility… blah-blah-blah…”
If you dog bite me, first i will kill you dog, and after this i will broke your nose, if you cannot buy muzzle for you dog and use it when you dog go to outdoor on the place where people and children walk. may be after this you will be a little bit smart more
and after i kill you dog, and broke you nose, I have to take responsibility, 2000thb, i have money for this – no problem