Hot! Brunei to Introduce Sharia Law


The sultanate of Brunei this week becomes the first East Asian country to introduce Islamic criminal law reports Reuters.

Thai and American lawyers at Bangkok based Chaninat & Leeds are experienced in Thai and international criminal law cases and trials

From 1 May 2014, residents of the country face conviction by Islamic courts and fines or jail terms for offences such as pregnancy outside marriage, failure to perform Friday prayers, and propagating other religions.

A second phase is set to be introduced 12 months later covering offences for theft and alcohol consumption by Muslims, punishable by whipping and amputations.

The death penalty, including by stoning, will be introduced in the third and final phase a year later for offences including adultery, sodomy and insulting the Koran or the Prophet Muhammad.

Most of the laws will also apply to non-Muslims.This raises concern among Western workers in the oil sector and tens of thousands of ethnic Chinese Bruneians and 30,000 mostly Roman Catholic Filipino migrant workers. 

Read the full article here

Flickr photo credit: hapulcu

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