Hot! AT&T Calls Russian “Anti-Gay” Law ‘Harmful’


AT&T Inc has criticized a law in Russia which has been deemed to be discriminatory against gay people as the Winter Olympics begin reports the Wall Street Journal.

The bill came into force in June 2013, and includes the phrase, “propaganda of nontraditional sexual relations to minors”. 

The draconian law therefore effectively makes it a crime to hold gay pride events, defend gay rights or say gay relationships are equal to heterosexual ones. If anyone is found guilty violating the law then they could face fines and jail terms.

The law has also seen an increase on violent attacks on gays or “suspect gays”.

The company’s comments came after Human Rights Campaign, the largest U.S. gay and transgender rights group, called on Olympic sponsors to publicly condemn the law. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) has made it clear to nations competing in the games that athletes are free to speak out against Russia’s controversial law, as long as they do so away from accredited areas.

Gay rights law in Thailand  are as follows: although Thailand is very tolerant to gay couples, gay marriage is not actually yet legal. Same-sex couples and households headed by same-sex couples are not eligible for the same legal protections available to opposite-sex couples.

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Flickr photo credit: Oliver E Hopkins

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