Hot! Thailand Woman Arrested for Refusing Breathalyzer Test

Car on RoadA woman who refused a breathalyzer test at a police checkpoint was arrested for violating Thailand’s new drink-driving law, reports the Bangkok Post.

Police stopped Chutima Kunnang, 28, at a checkpoint at 2 a.m. on Wednesday, February 11, and tried to administer a breathalyzer test on her after smelling alcohol when she rolled down her window.

Kunnang reportedly refused to take the test, and refused to get out of her car until 6 a.m. Police also report that Kunnang did not have her driver’s license or an ID card.

Recent amendments to Thailand’s Traffic Act went in effect December 31, 2014, and now states, according to the Bangkok Post, that “a driver who refuses to cooperate with police officers will be assumed drunk and can be arrested if they refuse a breathalyzer test.”

Under the law, Kunnang could be penalized with up to one year imprisonment, a 10,000 baht to 20,000 baht fine, or both.

Kunnang was released from jail on a 20,000 baht bail and will face charges in court on Thursday.

Read the full story here.

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