Hot! Tennessee Law Ready to Discard International Gun Control



A new Tennessee law prepares to stop enforcement of gun control by International law.


Activist Post reports that last Friday, July 1 2016,  a new Tennessee  law went into effect to set the foundation to stop the enforcement of gun control should it be imposed by international law.

According to Activist Post ‘House Bill 2389 (HB2389) was introduced by Rep. John Windle (D-Livingston) in January.’

It forbids law enforcement officers from imposing requirements of international law and treaties that limit ‘gun rights’ as specified in Article I, Section 26 of the Tennessee State Constitution. It reads, in part:

‘On or after July 1, 2016 no personnel or property of this state, or any political subdivision of this state, shall be allocated to the implementation, regulation, or enforcement of any international law or treaty regulating the ownership, use, or possession of firearms, ammunition, or firearm accessories, if the use of personnel or property would result in the violation of another Tennessee statute, Tennessee common law, or the Constitution of Tennessee.’ –Activist Post


In February 2016, a House subcommittee voted to get rid of the the bill, but after enormous grassroots pressure, the subcommittee ‘reconvened on the measure, passing it by a 3-2 vote on March 16 2016. The full House passed the bill by an 88-2 vote. And the Senate passed it unanimously, 26-0.’

Read more on this story here


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