Hot! Arrested Russian Model Willing to Trade Russian Meddling US Election Secrets for US Asylum

Anastasia Vashukevich was one of the instructors arrested last week in an illegal sex training course in Pattaya run by Russian nationality, Alex Krillov. The model has known ties from a leaked sex video with Russian oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

She is reportedly willing to trade 16 hours worth of audio recordings that may give insight into the rumors that Russia may have meddled with the US elections. She describes the recordings as conversations of Deripaska with “people she declines to identify” about the 2016 US Presidential elections.

The model wants to exhchange the recordings with safe asylum into the US. The American Embassy has acknowledged the models arrest but has declined any further comment about asylum.

Anastasia is currently facing criminal and visa overstay charges.

Read the full story here

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Image: Nikolay Korolyoff

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