Hot! Phuket Police Investigated for Taking Bribes from Foreign Criminals

According to Bangkok Post, Phuket police have been accused of aiding more than 1,700 foreigners to avoid deporation by failing to report their arrests.

The Royal Thai Police (RTP) has set up a panel to investigate the allegations, under the orders of Pol Gen Srivara Ransibrahmanakul. Over the past year, 2,415 foreigners have been arrested in Phuket. However, only 685 were sent to the Immigration Bureau to be deported. This raised suspicions that officers had been taking bribes from foreigners after arresting them.

According to the RTP, 68 officers have been found to have been involved in the misconduct.

Criminal Defense lawyers in Thailand need to be recognized that the Thailand criminal cases may involve serious reprucussions with regard to Immigration and Visas in Thailand.

Read the full story here

Related Articles: Thailand Cracks Down on Foreigners Overstaying Visas

Image: Bernie Eng

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