Hot! Japanese Man in Thai Surrogacy Scandal Files Lawsuit

Baby Mitsutoki Shigeta, the Japanese man at the center of a suspected surrogacy baby factory, is suing the Thailand government for apprehending children he claims are his, reports the Bangkok Post.

Vichien Chaovalit, permanent secretary of the Social Development and Human Security Ministry, said, according to the Bangkok Post, that he received notification that Shigeta’s lawyer will file the lawsuit against the ministry with the civil court in Nonthaburi province.

Chaovalit maintained that the ministry officials’ actions in taking the surrogate babies after their discovery are justifiable under the Child Protection Act 2003.

The Assisted Reproductive Technologies Bill, or Draft Surrogacy Act, is still under review with the Thai Parliament, reports the Bangkok Post.

Read the full story here.

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Related Resources:
Thailand Medical Council Regulations on Surrogacy and IVF
Surrogacy in Thailand: Laws and Regulations

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